Channel: Fashion blog and styling tips | Barar Adriana Delia fashion designer
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Side of a bullet


You just might have to take a bullet once in a while to see the real side of things.
Risk more, win more and don't be afraid to jump in, because the real opportunities are outside your comfort zone.

Din cand in cand trebuie sa te mai si lovesti cu capul ca sa vezi adevarata realitate din jurul tau.
Cu cat risti mai mult cu atat poti castiga mai mult pentru ca adevaratele oportunitati sunt inafara zonei tale de comfort.

 Top: Romwe
Jeans: Romwe
Sunnies: Ray-Ban
Handbag: Choies
Shoes: Vegas
Ring:  Persunmall
Bracelets: Romwe, B.A.D. style, Bellast
Necklace: Romwe
Watch: Calvin Klein

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

Packing for vacations


 Done with your vacation packing? Not yet? Well then maybe my tips will help you make a better decision.
Besides all the beauty products you need, I know I pack a lot of them always, you just need only essential items  with you. Don't get all your wardrobe in becaus eyou are going to  relax and enjoy yourself, not for a runway show. Still you have to look good in order to feel good. Here are my suggestions.
Get colorful bathing suits, as many as you want, just be realistic about it, don't get 10 if you are only staying 7  days.
Denim shorts and  top for your day outfits. Try to pick items you feel comfortable in,  and focus on details.Like embellishments on the shorts, cut out details on tops, anything that makes you stand out(in a good way) but also is comfortable.
Chiffon dresses for long  walks on the beach and 1 or 2 clubbing dresses(if you will go clubbing).Don't go overboard with  packing , it is useless, just get what you know you will wear and have FUN!
So what will you pack?

Ati terminat deja cu bagajele pentru vacanta? Inca nu? Atunci poate sfaturile mele va vor ajuta sa luati o decizie mai simpla.
Pe langa toate produsele cosmetice de care aveti nevoie(eu  tot timpul iau prea multe cu mine), incercati sa alegeti doar cateva piese esentiale, nu tot dulapul pentru ca mergeti sa va relaxati nu pentru a defila pe podium. Bineinteles  ca trebuie sa si aratati bine ca sa va simtiti bine.
Ce sa sugerez eu:
Costume de baie colorate, poate chiar mai multe, dar sa fim realisti totusi, daca stati 7 zile nu aveti nevoie de 10 costume de baie.
Pantaloni scurti si bluze pentru tinutele de zi. Alegeti piese in care va simtiti comfortabil si mizati pe detalii cum ar fi broderii, aplicatii simpatice sau detalii decupate.Orice va poate scoate tinuta din anonimant(cu gust evident), dar totusi sa ramana comfortabila.
Rochii fluide de chiffon pentru plimbarile lungi pe plaja si 1 sau 2 rochii pentru petrecere(daca mergeti in club)
Nu are rost sa luati prea multe cu voi, va incarcati . Luati doar ce stiti ca purtati  , in rest doar distractie si voie buna.
Voi ce bagati in bagaj?

Get striped this summer

Weekend activities-stalking trends-STRIPES
Nowadays, stripes have become one of the strongest elements in the fashion world.
Regardless of the classic black and white stripes, or different tonal collocation of color
stripes, or the stripe splicing combination, can be a necessary match for this summer.
I was thinking of ordering a pair of stripe leggings from Romwe, but not sure if they will fit me right. Maybe I will go just for some striped tops. Great quality for super prices, plus it would be a timeless investment. Black and White is always trendy.
Stripes is a pattern that can be easily mixed up with other prints and colors, because it is neutral.
You can match a neon skirt with a flower print and a striped top without being too much.
Whatis your favorite striped garment?


Share the love


 Don't you think ice cream tastes better when you share it with a friend?
Just like this, good news is always worth sharing with the people you care about.
So my dear friends, I have some good news and some great news!
Super cool jewelry, silver, gold plated avilable at Bellast. Just gone mine and I will all of them soon.
And Romwe has a flash sale for summer products.
I don'really want to give up on this summer thing, it is just August, we still have time to enjoy the sun.
Don't you think?
Have a  great week!

Nu-i asa ca inghetata are un gust mai bun daca o imparti cu o prietena?
La fel si vestile bune sunt mai bine primite daca le spui si prietenilor.
Asa ca, dragi prieteni, am o veste buna si una si mai buna. La Bellast gasiti bijuterii super frumoase, placate cu aur, argint la preturi foarte bune.Mie tocmai mi-a venit comanda si abia astept sa va arat si voua toate piesele.
Si cei de la Romwe au super reduceri la produsele de vara.
Eu nu prea as vrea sa ma gandesc ca se termina vara, e abia August, mai avem timp sa profitam de soare.
Nu-i asa?
O saptamana frumoasa va doresc!

Unfold your free style with romwe items, such as sweet, sexy, punk etc.

 Bellast rings and earrings
Top Gun icecream

Extra hot!


I think Monday was one of the hottest days this year, I was literally melting...
We went on a fast shopping trip, had to get some things for a future event, plus some cool fabrics .
We stopped for lunch at a terrace and had a really good meal. I am saying this because I can't really find restaurants where I really love the food, I usually like what I cook at home. I know I am picky:))
I am wearing a new B.A.D. style T-shirt design, that can be PRE-Ordered by sending an email at designer@badstyle.ro , online soon.

Cred ca ziua de luni a fost una dintre cele mai fierbinti din acest an, simteam ca ma topesc la propriu.
Noi chiar eram intr-o scurta excursie de cumparaturi  unde am luat printre altele si cateva materiale foarte faine pentru viitoare creatii deja puse pe hartie.
Trebuie sa mentionez faptul ca am luat un pranz absolut delicios! Si asta e mare lucru pentru ca eu nu prea gasesc localuri unde sa imi placa foarte mult mancare.De obicei prefer ce gatesc acasa... mda, sunt pretentioasa.
Aici port un nou tricou B.A.D. style care poate fi PRE-comandat trimitand un email la designer@badstyle.ro, in curand si online.

Shorts: Persunmall
Shoes: Converse
Watch: Fossil
Sunnies: Ray-Ban

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Enjoy the sun


August is just around the corner and that means summer is coming to an end soon.
We still have one month to enjoy the sun!
Wear your crop tops and bustiers until the sun is up because they will not keep you warm in winter.
I really love this top from Romwe, but the bikini/shorts don't suit me that well. The waist is too high a bit and too stretchy. Anyway the top is perfect for going to a beach party, you can even wear it as  swimsuit with some other bikinis.
I am working on a special collection right now.
Keep in touch!

August e chiar dupa colt ceea ce inseamna ca vara se termina in curand.
Dar totusi mai avem fix o luna intreaga sa ne bucuram de soare.
Purtati topuri scurte, bustiere cat timp soarele mai straluceste pentru ca la iarna nu va vor tine cald.
Mie imi place tare mult aceasta bustiera de la Romwe insa pantaloniii scurti/ chilotii nu prea sunt pe gustul meu.Mi se pare talia putin prea inalta si mult prea elastici.... Oricum se poate combina in diverse tinute misto, fie pentru o petrecere pe plaja sau chiar la bazin cu alti bikini(astia sunt transparenti).
Eu acum lucrez la o colectie speciala.
Va tin la curent!

Making of.....SS-Sun-Sand

We couldn't miss a sandy photoshoot so we tried to find a "wild" beach around;Said and Done!
We were lucky to have picked a sunny day with mild wind , just perfect for this shoot.
Simona and Sabrina were our models this time and we picked two outfits(for one we just changed the skirt), one styled by me and one by Kiaari Andreea.More details on that soon.
Until then, enjoy the Making of....
Photos by Bilootza Photography and myself

Nu puteam rata anul asta o sedinta foto pe nisip asa ca am cautat o plaja "salbatica" in zona; Zis si facut!
Am avut noroc ca ziua aleasa a fost una insorita,cu putin vant care ne-a si ajutat( mai mult sau mai putin).
Simona si Sabrina au fost modelele de aceasta data, ele purtand 2 tinute( la una am schimbat doar fusta cand a intrat in apa) , una creata de mine cealalta de Andreea.Dar mai multe detalii despre asat in curand)
Pana atunci, vizionare placuta.
Fotografii facute de Bilootza Photography si B.A.D. style


 Hello again!
It's time for a new Giveaway sponsored by Romwe.
You can win one of these dresses(2 lucky winners). 
Just follow the rules in the rafflecopter below and join because you may be one of the Lucky winners!
It ends on 20th August
Good luck!

Bine v-am gasit din nou!
E timpul pentru un nou concurs ponsorizat de Romwe
Puteti castiga una dintre aceste rochii(2 castigatoare)
Trebuie doar sa respectati regulile din aplicati de mai jos .
Se termina pe 20 august
Succes va doresc!

Romwe News+preview

 Here is a preview of  our most recent shooting. I just love the texture mix and how the girls just blended in.
So what do you think?

And some great news too... Romwe has put up some great prices for T-shirts and shorts . I love this skull  printed T, what will you get?

Un mic preview de la cea mai recenta sedinta foto. Imi place cum a iesit combinatia de texturi si felul in care au reusit fetele sa intre in atmosfera gandita de noi. Superbe fetele, nu?
Si ceva vesti bune de la Romwe. Super preturi pentru tricouri si pantaloni scurti. Eu am pus ochii pe acest tricou imprimat , voi ce va luati?

 Photo: Bilootza Photography
Make-up: Kiaari Andreea
Models: Simona & Sabrina
Styling: Adriana Delia Barar
Gold necklace on the blonde: ROMWE

So many hot items are waiting for you: Dollar Sign Print T-shirt, Skull Hand Black T-shirt, Simpson Print Denim Shorts, etc.
Want to style them?

Naturally, My Dear

 It's that time of the year that you should think of fading into autumn but still you don't want to.
Shops still have sales for the summer items but also some pre Fall collections make your wallet wonder: to open or not to open....
As for me, I am between summer and autumn. Still working on some super summer dresses for special ladies but also getting my FW collection wrapped up.
What are you up to? Packing for the vacation? 

E acel moment din an cand suntem cu un picior in vara si altul in toamna, incercand sa tinem mai mult de vara.
Magazinele inca au reduceri la produsele de vara , dar totusi apar si piese din colectiile de toamna care  iti fac portofelul sa se intrebe: sa ma deschid sau nu prea?
Si eu ma zbat intre anotimpuri, terminand rochiile pentru evenimentele de vara a unor super doamne si domnisoare, dar in acelasi timp sunt pe ultima suta de metrii si cu colectia de toamna.
Voi ce faceti? Impachetati bagajele pentru  vacanta?

 Top: B.A.D. style
Shorts: Stradivarius
Shoes: random brand
Bracelets: Romwe, Choies, B.A.D. style
Rings: H M

 Don't forget about the GIVEAWAY!

Photos by Veres Krisztian

BAD love

 Love colors, love jewelry, love Basketball. Yes, I used to play basketball in school( yes, I know I am short, but it doesn't matter), I loved it! Unfortunately time is not my best friend, and I can't practice all the hobbies I have.
I also used to love silver jewelry, and I mean only silver because I hated gold(never say never) and right now, one of my biggest crush is the heart shaped ring from Bellast. I don't know if you have seen their website, but they just got in some cool silver plated jewelry, including the ones I am wearing right now. They look amazing and the finish is really  well made, good quality. If you love jewelry like I do, you will love Bellast.
Oh, and pardon  my dress; now this makes me look BAD.

Iubirea pentru culori, pentru bijuterii, pentru baschet. Da, am jucat baschet in scoala(stiu ca sunt mica de inaltime, nu am intrat la apa intre timp), si mi-a placut foarte mult. Din pacate timpul nu imi e prieten si nu apuc sa ma bucur de toate hobby-urile mele .
Iubeam foarte mult si bijuteriile din argint, a se intelege doar argint pentru aurul nu  suportam sa il vad.(dar nu spune niciodata niciodata), iar acum sunt putin "lipita"de inelul cu inima de la Bellast. Nu stiu daca ati vazut magazinul lor, dar, dar tocmai au adus  o serie de bijuterii placate cu argint , dintre care si cele din acest post. Arata foarte bine toate, frumos lucrate  si daca iubiti bijuteriile la fel de mult ca mine, atunci o sa va placa si produsele lor.
Ah, si scuzati-mi rochia.... ma face sa par rea(BAD)

 Hat: B.A.D. style
Dress: Romwe
Jewelry: Bellast
Shoes: fshoes.ro

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Have you heard the news?


 I have good news and bad news, and I don't mean BAD news.
Bad news first?OK, Well summer is coming to an end and school starts soon(for some), but the good news is Romwe has some super sales ready for this. Back to school items for as low as 4.79$ so that you can get started with a new wardrobe.

Am vesti bune si vesti proaste. Vestile proaste intai?
OK, Vara se apropie de sfarsit si incepe scoala acusi(pentru unii), dar vestea buna e ca Romwe a pregatit super reduceri pentru cu aceasta ocazie, produse incepand cu 4.79$. Sa incepem scoala cu o garderoba noua.

 Shorts: Choies

So many beautiful and hot items are waiting for you : Oversized Aztec Denim Coat,

SS Sun Sand

 Here are the final shots from the latest photoshooting. There were many more other cool photos, but we've picked just some to show you.
Kiaari did the styling for Sabrina(brown hair) and I did the styling for Simona's outfit(blonde)
We picked light colors, perfect for a hot summer day(soon over,:((() and accessorized the outfits with "glowy" jewelry, mostly in gold.
So what do you think?

Am reusit sa postez si fotografiile finale de la cea mai recenta sedinta foto a noastra. Erau mult mai multe fotografii frumoase , dar am ales doar cateva sa va arat ce a iesit.
Kiaari a facut stylingul pentru Sabrina(satena) si eu pentru tinuta Simonei(blonda).
Am ales albul ca si nuanta predominanta, (perfecta pentru zilele de vara care acusi se termina) punand accentul pe accesorii si contrastul de texturi.
Va place ideea?

 Photos by B.A.D. style

Painted T shirt: Kiaari Make-up and Design
White T-|Shirt: B.A.D. style
Camo sequin skirt: Choies
Gold leather skirt: B.A.D. style
Accesssories: Romwe(studded necklace), Choies(plastic rhinestone bracelet), H&M, B.A.D. style

Don't forget about the ROMWE giveaway!

Hippie love

 I can't believe summer is almost over  when I haven't even got the chance to enjoy it that much, but well there is always next year.  Right now I am working on the last details for the new collection that will be showcasted this Friday at Heaven Studio.  Enought with the talk, back to work.
Have a good night and don't forget about the giveaway!

Nu pot sa cred ca vara deja e pe terminate si eu nu am apucat nici sa ma bucur de ea, dar cum am zis si anul trecut, mai este si vara viitoare...In acest moment lucrez la ultimele detalii  ale colectiei ce va fi prezentata vinerea aceasta la Heaven Studio in cadrul evenimentului: Fashion Fridays. 
Gata cu vorbaria, sa ne intoarcem la treaba.
O seara buna va doresc si nu uitati de concurs!

 Top: random
Shorts: Choies
Watch: Calvin Klein
Jewelry: H&M, B.A.D. style, Bellast

Photos by Veres Krisztian

BAD Attitude-New collection

 A very brief preview of my new collection that I will present this Friday(tomorrow) at Heaven Studio, a Fashion Fridays event.
This is not the entire collection, just 10 outfits, but I will soon be back with the lookbook .
I hope that you can join if of course you are around (Timisoara).
As for my inspiration: A determined woman that always gets what she wants by her own means. Leather, silk, soft fabrics  , lace and hand painted details adorned with Swarovski crystals.  A combination of tough and elegant.

Un mic preview a celei mai recente colectii B.A.D. style care va fi prezentata Vineri la Heaven Studio in cadrul Fashion Fridays. Aceasta nu este colectia completa, ci doar 10 tinute, dar voi reveni cu lookbook-ul  indata ce  facem sedinta foto.
Astfel va astept cu drag pe cei care sunt in Timisoara vinerea acesta.
Cat despre inspiratie:B.A.D Attitude este o colectie de piese vestimentare intr-o combinatie curajoasa de matase, piele cu aplicatii si imprimeuri lucrate manual . Tinutele sunt adresate femeilor independente, puternice prin atitudine si care isi ating mereu scopurile.
V-am facut curiosi? 

 Wearing: Romwe Shirt and shorts
B.A.D. style shoes
Also, great news from Romwe, They've got some new items in soon and to celebrate that, the cut off prices.
Avem si o perioada de reduceri anuntata de Romwe. Piese noi din colectia lor la super preturi.

Super slim price flash sale!  Only 48 hours!
Hot items back season!  Only $14.99!
Don’t miss, girls!

Oh those sunny days

 Sorry for the absence but I had some full days .Fashion show on Friday, showcasting the new collection-BAD Attitude, Flower arrangements for weddings in Saturday and Sunday. Right now I am trying to refill with energy and get on with the other plans.
What have you been up to?
Good news from Romwe again. Super sales on the last summer items.

Ma scuzati pentru absenta, dar am avut niste zile super pline.Vineri prezentarea celei mai recente colectii BAD Attitude, sambata si duminica aranjamente florale pentru nunti. Acum incerc sa imi adun energie pentru restul saptamanii .
Voi ce ati facut in weekend?
Avem vesti bune de la Romwe din nou, reduceri substantiale pentru  produsele de vara

Close out sale!  Save up to 70% on 1000+ Clearance Styles
Do not miss! Focus on Aug 20!

Necklace: Romwe
Bracelet, rings: Bellast
Watch: Michael Kors
Jeans: HM
Shoes: Zara
Sunnies: Ray-Ban

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Wild thing

 And here are the winners for the Romwe giveaway Tânia Martins cakedreams@sapo.pt and Crissy crissysherlainesayo@yahoo.com . Congratulations! I hope you will enjoy wearing you dresses.
You will be contacted by Romwe very soon.
As I told you last  Friday I presented some of my designs from the new FW collection, BAD Attitude . I posted the photos on my facebook page and will post them here too . I am curious about your opinion, so let me know if you like them.
In a few days I will launch a giveaway on the BADstyle facebook page and you can win two T shirts with the design I made for the Choies contest.
So having all that good news for you I hope you are having an awesome week. More fun pictures soon from the shooting we had yesterday.

Si castigatoarele concursului sponsorizat de Romwe sunt:  Tânia Martins cakedreams@sapo.pt si
Crissy crissysherlainesayo@yahoo.com. Felicitarii! Sper sa va bucurati de premiu si sa purtati cu placere rochitele.
Dupa cum va spuneam, vinerea trecuta am prezentat o parte din colectia pentru toamna iarna, BAD Attitude, in cadrul evenimentului Fashion Fridays. Am pus cateva fotografii pe pagina de facebook, poate le-ati vazut. Oricum sunt foarte curioasa daca v-au placut si ce parere aveti de propunerile mele.
Zilele acestea voi organiza un nou giveaway pe pagina de facebook de data asta, unde puteti castiga 4 tricouri cu imprimeurile create de mine care au participat la concursul organizat de Choies.
Acum ca am impartasit cu voi atatea vesti bune, va doresc o saptamana minunata. In curand si fotografii de la sedinta foto de ieri.

 Top: no name
Jacket: Romwe
Shoes: Zara
Watch: Michael Kors
Bracelet: Romwe

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

Color Splatter

 We are counting the last days of summer, and guess what? I am still working, no holiday planned yet. If I finish the work on time , I will run on a last minute trip, because I actually deserve one.
Right now I feel everything is working against me, hmmm, really now, not even going to the grocery down the street is simple task. I just ripped my favorite shorts....just out of the blue , they tore apart.
I hope my good karma is coming back becaue this shit isn't working for me.
Enough with my bad news, now NEWS FLASH from Romwe, actually flash sale. Get them while they're hot. I have my eyes on some goodies.

Super slim price flash sale!  Only 48 hours!
Hot items back season!  Only $19.99!
Don’t miss, girls!

P.S> this is my fav Top right now, I would even sleep in it.

Acum chiar ca numaram zilele de vara ramase si ghiciti ce? Eu inca nu am in plan vreo plecare in vacanta pentru ca si anul asta sunt pana peste cap cu treaba. Dar totusi ramane si vara viitoare, poate poate. Dar daca sunt cuminte si termin totul in grafic, o sa fug intr-o excursie pe ultimul moment ca pana urma chiar merit.
In acest moment parca totul merge invers, serios, nici mersul la magazinul de la colt nu mai e ce a fost. Adica sa ti se rupa blugii preferati asa din senin? Serios? Cum naiba?? Sper sa se intoarca roata ca pe partea asta mie nu imi place.
Gata cu vestile rele, acum cu vesti bune de la Romwe, Super reduceri timp de 48 de ore. Eu am pus ochii pe ceva asa ca daca o iau inaintea voastra.....o sa va para rau

P.S. mai nou acesta este topul meu preferat, as dormii in el, super comod si culorile sunt geniale, nu?

Top: Romwe
Sunnies: Ray-Ban
Shorts/bracelets: B.A.D. style
Shoes: Converse

Photos by Veres Krisztian


 Between work and my other everyday activities I love to make interesting snacks and smoothies, and here are some of my latest creations.
.1Spinach, apple, cinnamon, mango and lemon smoothie
2. Ricotta cheese, rocket and grapes snack
3. brie cheese, grapes, tomatoes, baked peppers and goat cheese lunch
4, a white chocolate parfait with cinnamon and vanilla sauce, love love. this I served at a restaurant out of town.
 There is also a pic with a T-shirt I worked on,special order and a new friend I made. Isn't he cute?

Part of my latest shopping list, it looks like I got to much black, but I will spice it up;)

And right now, I will be trying this recipe. Blueberry Pavlova. I am so curious if I cand do it because making desserts is not my thing, I don't know why but something always happens.....well, we'll see.I will take a picture if it looks good.

Intre lucru si alte activitati de zi cu zi, imi place sa mai experimentez in bucatarie si sa prepar diferite gustari interesante si freshuri.
1. Spanac , mango, mere, lamaie si scortisoara
2. Ricotta, rucola si struguri
3.Brie, rosii, ardei copti, struguri si branza de capra.
4. Un desert deosebit servit la un restaurant in afara orasului-parfait de ciocolata alba cu sos de vanilie si fructe de padure.GENIAL
Un nou prieten, asa-i ca-i simpatic? Si tricoul la care am lucrat zilele trecute-o comanda speciala.

Avem si o parte din lista mea de shopping, cateva piese pentru schimbarea de sezon, cam mult negru, dar o le combin eu sa nu para asa sumbru.

Si acum ma pun pe gatit. Ce fac? De fapt incerc, ca deserturile nu prea imi ies mie, nu stiu de ce. Pavlova cu afine si coacaze. Daca iese acceptabil poate ii fac o poza sa va arat. Sa imi tineti pumnii !

O seara frumoasa!

Dress: Here
Bag: Here
Boots: Here 


BAD Attitude

 So here is my new collection, BAD Attitude. A mix of leather, silk, handpainted details, fine embroidery and Swarovski crystals. I went with metallic textures for the leather and some bright colors ,peacock green and granita for a color pop. Black, beige, white and salmon to make it more versatile. Every item can be mixed and worn with any other simple clothing item you already have in your closet. That makes it so easy to be loved.
Am I right? What is you favorite item?
Great news from Romwe, Labor day sales! Get your favorite items for a better price.
Romwe Labor Day sale
Up to 84%off
Valid dates: Aug.27th-Sep.2nd
Don’t miss, girls!

Sa va prezint si pe blog cea mai recenta colectia a mea(o parte de fapt). Am facut un mix de piele, matase, broderie fina, detalii pictate manual si cristale swarovski.
Am ales texturi metalizate pentru piele, iar ca si culori, un verde si un fucsia puternic, domolite apoi de tonuri mai neutre, alb, negru,somon si bej. Fiecare piesa poate fi purtata in combinatie cu alte piese deja existente in garderoba voastra , fiind extrem de versatile. Ceea ce face aceasta colectie sa fie foarte abordabila si iubita din prima.
Am dreptate? Voua ce piesa v-a placut cel mai mult?

Si avem alte vesti bune, Romwe au din nou reduceri  si putem cheltuii banii pe piesele preferate fara sa ne para rau ca am dat prea mult.

 Photos: Ervin Boer

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