Channel: Fashion blog and styling tips | Barar Adriana Delia fashion designer
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Making of... Graffiti Sunset

 We are taking advange of the last summer days so the sunlight is what we are craving for. We got a pretty nice sunset in this photoshoot that we had last week at an abandoned pool in the city.
Kiaari was busy so we got Emanuela to do the make-up for the lovely Adriana. You can find more info on her work here.
 I took 4 outfits with me and I wanted Adriana to pick her favorite in which she wanted to pose. And I ws very happy to see that she picked just the one I had in mind for her. Another great thing, the necklace she had with her, was a perfect match. I love it that when we don't get everything planned right to the smallest detail, everything falls in place at the right time.
I am really happy with the result, I hope you like it too.

Profitam de ultimele zile de vara , iar lumina soarelui este elementul dupa care tanjim la fiecare sedina foto.
Saptamana trecuta am reusit sa prindem un apus frumos pentru sedinta foto dintr-un fost strand, unde din pacate acum e plin de mizerie. Ar fi frumos curatat , si reabilitat putin, dar asta e alta poveste. 
Pentru ca Kiaari a fost ocupata de aceasta data, Emanuela a facut machiajul Adrianei pentru sedinta foto.Ma multe info despre ea si cum va puteti program,gasiti aici.
Eu am ales de acasa 4 tinute din care vroiam ca Adriana sa isi aleaga una in care vrea sa pozeze.Ea nu stie asta, dar a ales chiar tinuta la care ma gandisem si eu, cred ca am comunicat prin telepatie ca altfel nu imi explic. Si inca o chestie draguta, ea avea cateva bijuterii la ea, dintre care si un colier masiv care avea pietrele exact ca si culoarea fustei. Nici daca cautam sa cumpar unul identic nu gaseam sa se potriveasca asa bine. Imi place ca atunci cand nu planificam totul pana la ultimul detaliu, treaba se aseaza frumos pe parcurs, chiar mai bine decat daca urmam agenda.
Mie imi place tare mult ce a iesit, sper ca va place si voua.

Photos: Bilootza Photography & B.A.D. style

Shifting gears

 Not talking about driving today , but about changing seasons, priorities and going for the next level, evolving.
Right now I am having a really full period right now, with the new collection for the runway, a mini collection for online stores and the other orders for september weddings and special events. Designing some new coats and buying new equipment for the work studio. So much to do , so little time. And yes, I know I look very tired here, but this change of season, meaning from sunny to rainy , dull days isn't helping me and I can't seem to rest at night. I hope I can ge away for a few days and refuel fast.
Facebook contest (Romania only)

Nu vorbim acum de condus si schimbari de viteze, ci de schimbul de sezon, de prioritati si de urcarea la nivelul urmator pentru ca trebuie sa evoluam.
Acum e o perioada foarte plina de evenimente, terminarea colectiei noi, unei alte mini colectii pentru magazine online  si terminarea comenzilor pentru luna septembrie. Pe langa astea, ma gandesc la niste jackete, paltoane faine pentru toamna-iarna pe care as vrea sa le creez si  ce echipament nou sa iau pentru atelier, sa marim echipa. Sunt multe de facut si putin timp la dispozitie. Si stiu ca arat foarte obosita in poze, dar schimbarea de anotimp nu ma ajuta si nu dorm bine noaptea. Poate reusesc sa fug cateva zile, sa imi revin.
Avem si un concurs pe facebook.

 Top: My design by Choies
Skirt: B.A.D. style
Necklace: Romwe
Rings: Bellast
Shoes:no name

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Preview+ weekend resolutions

 I will start with a question:
What did you do today to make your dreams come true?
Do you really think that someone will make it for you? Will they do all the work and you get the glory?
Get real! That will never happen! 
If you want something, get up and do it!
This is what I will do even if it means losing on the way up, sacrifices will be made.
BAD style all the way~!

Romwe has a super flash sale
As usual, only 48 hours, and all are $19.99, super slim price, right?!

Incep cu o intrebare: 
Ce ai facut azi pentru ca sa iti implinesti visele?
Chiar crezi ca cineva o sa ti le implineasca pur si simplu? O sa munceasca pentru tine , iar tu te vei bucura de rezultate?
Fi serios! Nu se va intampla asta.
Daca vrei ceva, pune mana si fa!
Eu asa fac , chiar daca pe drum voi mai si pierde, sacrificii trebuie facute.

Din nou reduceri la Romwe. Timp de 48 de  ore super preturi.

Photo: Veres Krisztian

On the shopping list for autumn

Summer is over, now time to get in the mood for autumn.

What I wanted to get last year, and didn't because as I made up my mind, spring came so I will get them now.
Velvet leggings, perfect for cold days with a long colorful sweater like this one I got. Even with a flare dress and warm boots for the long winter .
Super cool! They are ROMWE’s own design and they are black. These leggings are crafted from a soft touch fabric, they have a stretch fit and they are all comfortable to wear.I can't wait to wear them with ankle boots and cool sweaters.Will you get a pair?

Shopping time!


 Starting the week with a new shopping list because autumn is here and the evenings are much colder now.  I already started wearing sweaters and I am thinking of getting some coats too.As sad as it sounds, summer is not coming back until next year so it;s time to make a season shift in the closet too.
 Here is a part of my wishlist for autumn and of course, Romwe is here to help us with the new season. Special offers for the new collection. have a look

Incepem saptamana cu o noua lista de shopping pentru toamna a venit, si chiar daca suna trist, vara nu se intoarca pana anul viitor. Deja am inceput sa port pulovere seara pentru ca e cam frig si in curand voi alege si cateva jachete de sezon pentru ca de un timp am devenit friguroasa. Zilele astea ma voi pune sa sortez hainele din dulap, sa vad ce tin, ce dau si ce arunc. Ma gandesc ca si voi o sa faceti asta curand, mai ales pentru ca lista de shopping sa fie mai clara. Romwe ne vine in ajutor si de aceasta data cu super preturi pentru produsele de toamna. EU am o mini lista , voi?

Romwe Autumn Wishlist!
New Season, New Look!  Ankle boots, Sweatshirt, Aztec bag, Makeup etc.
Go to find your new look:

Summer moved on

 I can't believe how cold the evenings are these days even if during the day you can easily get a tan. I am so glad I got this jacket just in time for the season, and I am thiking of getting a similar one too or maybe this one. Still I hope the warm days are not over yet, and we can still try to  get away with shorts during the day.
How are you getting along with this September already idea?

Nu pot sa cred cat de rece e seara, chiar daca ziua te poti bronza lejer, seara e tare frig:( Ma bucur insa ca am reusit sa imi comand geaca asta in timp util pentru ca eram stresata sa nu ramana stoc epuizat, iar acum ma gandesc la una asemanatoare sau poate asta mai groasa..Ami am putin timp sa ma gandesc, pana vine marele frig... Sper ca totusi zilele calduroase sa mai dureze , ca sa putem scapa cu purtatul pantalonilor scurti pe timp de zi macar.
Voi cum reusiti sa va impacati cu ideea de Septembrie?

 Sunnies: Ray-Ban
Jacket: Romwe
Short: DIY cut offs
Shoes: Zara
Watch: Calvin Klein
T-shirt: Romwe

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Fall Wishlist update+MSdressy giveaway

As much as I hate the fact that summer is gone, autumn has the best colors. But another thing I love about autumn, is that I can wear boots. I love pairing boots with shorts and T-shirts even in summer, but still, you can burn your feet that way... I updated my wishlist and here are some of my desires. Which is your favorite?
Some other great news for you:

Today I'm partnering up with Msdressy to give away $10 cash to my lucky readers! Msdressyis one of my favorite online stores. They have an amazing selection of affordably priced homecoming dresses. Take a look at some of my current favorites below (all under $100!)
View back to school sale here

To Enter (Mandatory):
1. Register on Msdressy here. (It just requires your email address and takes about 2 seconds.)

2. Like Msdressy on Facebook here, and share this giveaway hereon your facebook (Add #MsdressyGiveawaywhen sharing).

3. Leave a comment below with your email address (the same one you used to sign up).

You must complete all three steps for an entry.

The giveaway will be open for one week, closing on September 11 at midnight. Good luck!

Please note:
1. Winner(s) will be selected at random.org , and the $10 Cash you win will be sent via Paypal.
2. One winner will be selected from every 50 participants. That means 1 winner out of 50, 2 winners out of 100. The more people take part in, the more winners there will be!

Good luck!

Pe cat de mult urasc faptul ca s-a terminat vara, pe atat de mult imi plac culorile acestui  nou sezon. O alta treaba care ma bucura, este ca pot purta cizme ,botine, bocanci. Nu ca vara m-ar impiedica  sa le port, dar nu e foarte indicat plus ca si mor de cald in ele.  Eu mi-am facut un mic update la lista de dorinte pentru toamna, si se regasesc ceva botine pe aici. Incerc sa abtin cat mai mult, ca altfel va trebuii sa imi iau un alt dulap.Voi ce aveti pe lista?
Mai am o vesta buna!
MSdressy va da 10$ sa va cumparati ce doriti, direct in contul de paypal.
Trebuie doar sa va inregistrati pe site, sa dati like paginii lor de facebook , sa dati share la concurs(
#MsdressyGiveaway), iar apoi lasati un comment cu adresa de email. Un castigator la fiecare 50 de participanti.Succes va doresc!

Melancholic state of mind


 I am feeling really moody these days, not much energy and I would sleep all day(not that I have the time to sleep), but really I would. Do you know any cures for this? I would really appreciate some advice on this matter.
I am working on some super cool items for this season and I would be curious if you would like to see them.So?

I have good enws form Romwe too. They are having a 48 h super sales for autumn items, you should look.
As usual, only 48 hours, and all are $19.99, super slim price, right?
Don’t miss it, my girl, you will find your style, I believe.  
Check out the sale

Zilele astea ma cam dispera starea mea de spirit care e tare schimbatoare si in plus, imi vine sa dorm non stop, nu ca as avea timp.... Daca aveti vreun leac pentru treaba asta as aprecia daca mi-ati spune si mie .
Acum lucrez la niste piese pentru toamna tare interesante. Sunteti curiosi sa le vedeti?
Am vesti bune si de la Romwe, preturi incepand de la 19.99$ la produsele de toamna. 
Suna bine nu?

 Top: Bershka
Shorts:no name
Bag: Choies
Shoes: Altogradimento
Bracelet: B.A.D. style
Rings: Bellast
Watch: Michael Kors

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

B.A.D. Attitude


 I know it's been a long time since I told you about these pictures, but I didn't have the chance to post them earlier. I hope you like them. I absolutely love the result.
I will let the pictures talk for themselves because words are useless.

Stiu ca a trecut deja ceva timp de cand v-am povestit de aceste poze ,dar nu am apucat sa pregatesc acest post( si sa editez cele 2-3 poze facute de mine). Sper sa vaplaca rezultatul, mie imi place foarte mult ce a iesit .
Voi lasa fotografiile sa vorbeasca , cuvintele fiind de prisos.

The Team: 
Make-up: Emanuela
Styling: B.A.D. style

 B.A.D. style photos

 Photos by Bilootza Photography

Golden Fields

 I realy love the light when the sun sets over a golden field. Don't you?  Today's weather was perfect, I really hope that this will be a long hot autumn and we can still have shootings outside.So many project to be started soon. Back to school in a bit right? I will be posting an article about my idea of  a cool school outfit. Are you curious?
 I think you noticed my sweater right? Since I got it from Romwe,
 I can't  part with it, I absolutely love it and I a thinking of getting it in another color too. What do you think,should I? A full week is just around the corner, I will keep in touch with you.
Romwe has a super sale for their new beauty products and accessories.
As a girl, is it possible to live without makeup& cute accessories?

Just fetch these hotties at their cheapest time :P > http://www.romwe.com/manage_activity/Beauty-Deals/?beautydeals

Only 72 hours!!

Imi place maxim lumina de apus de soare peste un camp auriu. Vremea de azi a fost perfecta si sper sa avem o toamna lunga, sa reusim sa terminam toate proiecteel pana vine frigul. In curand incepe si scoala, si promit sa imi fac timp sa postez o tinuta macar potrivita pentru scoala. Sunteti curiosi?
Cred ca ati observat puloverul meu pe care probabil o sa il mai vedeti destul de des. Imi place asa mult incat l-as purta zilnic. Ma gandeam sa il iau si pe alta culoare. Ce ziceti?
Pe mine ma asteapta o saptamana plina, dar tinem legatura.Promit
Apropo, era sa uit, Romwe are super reduceri la produsele de beauty nou introduse. De ce sa nu profitam de ocazie ,nu?

Hat:local store
Sweater: Romwe
Shorts: vintage
Watch: Michael Kors
Bracelets: Romwe. B.A.D. style
Rings: Hm and Persunmall
Shoes: Converse

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

Textures+Making of BAD Attitude Lookbook


 I had a really good start of the week with great news , but lack of energy. My sleep schedule is of the chart, don't know why , and I can't rest. I hope this will change soon. I have some surprises for you soon, and I am planing on having another giveaway. 
What would you like to win? I am curious.
Here is a sneak peak from the lookbook shooting we had some days ago.
 It's gonna be really great, you will love it!

Am inceput bine saptamana, vesti bune si tot ce trebuie, dar mai putina energie... Nu stiu ce e cu programul meu de somn, dar nu reusesc sa ma odihnesc, ba nu adorn, ba ma trezesc noaptea si abia reusesc sa mai atipesc la loc,,,, groaznic. Am si niste suprize pentru voi, si un nou giveaway pe care vreau sa il pun la cale. Sunt curioasa, ce ati vrea sa castigati? 
Am pus si cateva fotografii din culisele sedintei foto pentru lookbook care o sa va placa sigur.

 Top: no name+DIY cut off shoulder
Sunnies: Ray-Ban
Leggings: Clockhouse
Boots: Stone Creek
Handbag: no name

 The team:
Styling and design: B.A.D. style

Photos: Bilootza Photography, B.A.D. style, Kiaari, Andreea Bby

How to wear a Hat


The cold weather is forcing us to wrap up in warm clothes , and layering is the best thing to do at this time of year. Besides this, using stylish accessories like hats to keep warm and still be fashionable is another great idea.
Here are some ideas on how to mix and match 2 similar hat styles. I think my favorite is the leather leggings, beige shirt mix. Which is your?

Vremea rece ne forteaza sa luam haine groase pe noi, iar suprapunerea pieselor este cea mai buna idee in acest moment al anului cand poate dimineata e mai frig, dupa masa se face cald, iar seara si mai frig. Asa putem da jos din imbracaminte in functie de vremea de afara. Pe langa asta, accesorizarea tinutei cu diferite palarii fi o idee buna pentru a scapa de monotonie.
Am pregatit cateva tinute diferite ca stil,dar cu tipuri asemanatoare de palarii.. Mie cel mai mult imi place cea cu colanti negrii si camasa crem. Voua?

Get the look
Hat: Similar
Jacket: Similar

Get the look
Leggings: Similar
 Get the look

Hat: Here
Leather skirt: Here
Bag: Here
Get the look

Red dress: Similar 
Galaxy dress: Here
Boots: Similar
Vest: Similar

In the night air


 Another week passed and it's the middle of September, how sad:( 
The days are shorter, the nights are colder.
 Time for sweaters  and knitted fabrics that can be also really cool, rigth? Here is one of my favorite new sweaters from Romwe. Love the detail on the backside. Now it;s time for some shopping, I got some boots on the way and a cool jacket perfect for this season. Also for layering we need cool T-shirts, So Romwe has a super sale for us, 48 hours, 12.99$ for a T-shirt. Hurry up!

Inca o saptamana a trecut si e deja mijlocul lui Septembrie, cam trist:( Zilele sunt mai scurte, noptile mai racoroase.
E timpul pentru pulovere si haine tricotate care sa ne tina de cald, dar pana la urma si ele pot fi dragute. Aici port unul dintre puloverele mele preferate de la Romwe, la care imi place mult partea din spate. Acum ca e timpul pentru cumparaturile sezon, eu deja am pus pe lista niste botine super tari si o jacheta care sigur o sa imi tina de cald. Iar pentru suprapuneri,ca doar e anotimpul perfect pentru astfel de jocuri stilistice, avem nevoie de tricouri cool. Romwe are super reduceri timp de 48 de ore, preturi incepand de la 12.99$. Grabiti-va ca poate nu mai prindeti.
Nu uitati de programul pentru bloggeri de pe BADstyle.ro

 Jumper: Romwe
Shorts: DIY
Bag: Mango
Shoes: Topshop
Watch: Michael Kors

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

Back to School

School is starting soon, University too in a a couple of weeks so I prepared some posts about back to school outfits. I will be focusing more on  outfits for university students, so don;t get my  ideas wrong.
Here is a first post. Casual, cool with the statement checkered trousers you will probably see all season long.
A big knitted jumper, a cool backpack, I got this one from Aupie, and you can wear it also as a handbag, and some chunky heel boots(mine are a bit to high for schol, but the trousers look better with high heels).
The ring story,-- I went to HM to find a certain ring that I saw online(not this one) but when I saw this one, I had to have it. It's perfect!
We are going to start a new week with great news, Romwe has a super sale, perfect for getting some cool jumpers in our school wardrobe right? Oh and a sneak peek from the next post.
Have a great week!

Scoala incepe curand, la fel si universitatile isi deschid portile in cateva saptamani asa ca am pregatit cateva tinute pentru scoala. Aici ma refer la tinute pentru studenti, mai ales pentru ca multi elevi au uniforme scolare, dar si pentru ca acets gen de tinute nu prea sunt potrivite pentru generala/liceu.
Prima tinuta, simpla si cool, cu pantaloni in carorui , motiv pe care il veti vedea destul de des in acest sezon. Un pulover XL, un ghiozdan cool care poate fi purtat si ca geanta, eu il am de la Aupie si niste ghete cu toc gros(ale mele sunt putin prea inalte, dar arata mai bine pantalonii asa)
Povestea inelelui--Am mers la Hm sa caut un inel ce il vazusem online, si cand colo nici vorba sa il gasesc,dar il vad pe acesta!Dragoste la prima vedere!
Si daca tot incepem o saptamana noua, sa fie si cu vesti bune. Romwe au bagat niste reduceri tari la pulovere, cardigane si alte lucruri simpatice.Exact la timp pentru a ne face garderoba pentru noul an scoalar nu?
Ah, si un mic preview pentru urmatoarea postare.
O saptamana super va doresc!

Romwe Hot Sale for Cardigans & Jumpers
Up to 50 %off
Valid dates: Sep17 to Sep19
Only 72 hours!!Don’t miss, girls!

 Top & Trousers: B.A.D. style
Shoes: no name
ring: HM
Watch: Calvin Klein

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

Back to School-Retro


 The second Back to School outfit has a retro feel to it. A simple gusset dress with spiked detail and nude splicing at the bust , mixed with a leather patchwork and  tweed jacket designed by me , a black felt hat and some comfy boots. Of course you need at least a simple messenger handbag to carry a pen and a notebook,  mobile phone, lipstick etc.
Oh and what do you think of my new electric ride? eco right? It's perfect for this traffic!
 Would you go to school/university like this?

A doua tinuta propusa in cadrul proiectului Back to School e de inspiratie retro. O rochie simpla in clini, cu detalii metalice si insertie de material bej in partea de sus, combinata cu o jacheta din petece de piele si stofa bucle creata de mine, o palarie simpla neagra si niste botine comode. Sigur ca avem nevoie si de o geanta, macar una mica, tip postas in care sa intre un pix, o agenda, telefon, ruj etc.
Ce ziceti de noul meu "vehicul" electric? Eco;) si e perfect pentru traficul din oras.
Voi ati merge asa la scoala?

Hat: Romwe
Jacket: B.A.D. style
Dress: Romwe
Shoes: TopShop
Handbag: Choies

Photos by Veres Krisztian

BAD Attitude-FW13


First of all I want to thank my wonderful team that I worked with for this lookbook shooting, so thank you guys! I really love the result.
This is the FW13 collection, entitled B.A.D. Attitude. It's a mixture of textures, silky fabrics with  pearly leather, lace and crystal details.The prints and ombres are manually hand painted.
I am curious if you like the collection, and which is your favorite look.
Another great news ,if you are living in Washington, you can see these looks live at the fashion show. More info here. This is a great opportunity for me and I am grateful for it!

In primul rand vreau sa multumesc intregii echipei cu care am lucrat la acesta sedinta foto, imi place foarte mult rezultatul!
Aceasta este intreaga colectie BAD Attitude pentru sezonul toamna-iarna2013 . Un mix de texturi, materiale vaporoase, piele perlata, detalii de dantela si cristale svarovski. Imprimeurile sunt  facute manual.
Sunt curioasa dca va place colectia si care este tinuta favorita.
Am si niste super vesti pentru cei care locuiesc in Washington, puteti vedea live intreaga colectie  in cadrul unei prezentari de moda ce va avea loc in 5 Octombrie. Mai multe detalii aici.
E o oportunitate grozava pentru mine si sunt foarte recunoscatoare pentru acest lucru.

Styling/design: B.A.D. style

Favorites desserts


 I usually love spending time in the kitchen but the downside is that even if I adore eating desserts,I can't make them Don;t know why but most of them "die" before ever being finished/baked. 
But some actually turn out pretty good. These are my latest "masterpieces". 
A pavlova with sweet cheese, whip cream and forest fruits and pancakes. 
I made it with  vanilla ice cream, blueberry sauce and some whipped cream mixed with yoghurt. Very delicious I might say!

Imi place sa petrec timp in bucatarie gatind , iar cu toate ca deserturile imi plac la nebunie, cand e vorba de prepararea acestora , ceva se intampla. Blaturile nu imi cresc, cremele se cam taie sau sunt prea subtiri.... groaznic,,, Nu imi dau seama de ce  pentru ca urmaresc retetele cu atentie nu ca si la prepararea mancarii unde improvizez.
Cateodata insa imi si ies binisor chiar, iar cele mai recente sunt : Pavlova cu crema de branza dulce si fructe de padure, si" pancakes" , reteta primita de la Cristina Dirnea . Eu le-am facut cu frisca vegetala amestecata cu iaurt grecesc ca sa fie putin mai acrisoara, inghetata de vanilie si sos de afine. 
Merita incercata reteta. Merge foarte repede, sunt satioase sse delicioase. Cred ca daca as folosi o tigaie mai mare as putea face chiar "blaturi"de tort.

Flash sale! only 48 h to get your favorite knits from Romwe

NEW Giveaway from ROMWE

 Hello there!
Great news today from Romwe. They are sponsoring a new Giveaway on my  blog. You can win a pair of your favorite superhero leggings!
 All you have to do is follow the instructions below in the widget and see if you were the lucky winner on the 2nd of October.
Good luck!

Am vesti bune de la Romwe. Ne-am unit puterile si am pus la cale un nou giveaway. Puteti castiga o pereche de colanti cu super eroi din noua colectie.
Tot ce trebuie sa faceti e sa urmariti cu atentie instructiunile de mai jos din aplicatie si in data de 2 Octombrie sa reveniti pe blog pentru a vedea daca ati castigat.

Brighten up the day

 I bet you never saw this coming:)) Me wearing pink, right?Well neither did I, but I have to say that the color description on this jumper said PEACH, and the photo looked like a deep coral... But this is none of those, it's really a hot pink  and I can't do anything about it. I think the color looks nice on me, I just don't really like to see it on me, , not my fav color.
 What do you think? I want to hear your real opinion on this . Pink for me?
Sunt sigura ca nu v-ati asteptat la asa ceva. Eu purtand roz,,,, sincer nici eu nu ma asteptam . Si acum ma scuz ca la descrierea produsului scria piersica, iar mie imi parea a corai, dar uite ca e chiar roz, un mega roz. Asta e, nu ii pot schimba culoarea. De fapt, nu pot sa spun ca imi sta rau, (sau?), dar parca nu ma caracterizeaza.
Voi ce ziceti? Arat ciudat in roz?

Jumper: Here
Shorts: Here
Boots: Stone Creek
Bag: Here
Sunnies: Ray-Ban
Claw ring: Here
Heart ring: Here
Watch: Calvin Klein

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

Do you know the brave angel Talia Joy Castellano? 
Have you heard about her story?
Talia earned her wings on July 16th after six and half year battle with childhood cancer. August 18th would have been Talia's 14th birthday.
Talia touched the lives of thousands through social media. Her make up tutorial on Youtube earned her 1,192,000 subscribers and 517,000 fans on Facebook.  In addition, she told the story of her fight with cancer through Vlogs in an insightful and inspiring way.  During The Ellen Show, she was asked how does she keep her spirits up?  Her answer; “What can I do? Be depressed? A little fish once told me, just keep swimming.”
Talia contacted us to join our fashion Vloggers Team this past April.  By this chance, Talia and Romwe's design Team, designed special leggings together.  Talia said “make up is my wig”, so she suggested some makeup-inspired images to print on the leggings. Lip-print Black-white Leggings, Colorful Lip-print White Leggings, Lipstick Print White Leggings
But after the leggings arrived, Talia was not able to enjoy them, as she was too sick.
We know that Talia is with us forever, not only with Romwe Team, but also with all Romwers.  Also we will donate for Talia’s favorite charity, BASE Camp Children 's Cancer Foundation, to help more children and bring hope home for the children who are fighting child cancer.  It will starts on Sep 27th

First video!


 Hello there!
I am back with an exclusive video. This is our first try so any advice is welcome.
Let me know if you like it and if you have any wishes for a future video. Kiaari has an idea that we will try out soon. It's probably not something you would expect, but it will be nice.
Have a great evening!

Am revenit cu un video in exclusivitate cum s-ar zice pe TV. Socant! este primul nostru clip, asa ca asteptam sfaturi si pareri. Sa imi spuneti daca v-a placut si  daca aveti vreo dorinta/idee pentru urmatorul clip. Kiaari are un proiect pe care il vom face curand(sper). Probabil nu e la ce va ganditi voi, dar o sa va placa.
O seara faina!

 CLIPUL AICI(nu stiu de ce nu am reusit sa il pun direct)

Photos: B.A.D. style
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