Channel: Fashion blog and styling tips | Barar Adriana Delia fashion designer
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3 Ways to pick your prom dress


It's almost prom time and the stress is just getting to you. What dress to wear? Do I need a new one? Should I pick  a bold color?'Should I go and try on many styles or shop online? Whats the budget? Is it worth it?

All these questions could be answered if you make a short list.
1. See what you already have in your closet, maybe you could save some money and reinvent your favorite old dress. Invest more in shoe, handbag or jewelry.
2.  Do you want to invest much in a dress you will wear once or twice? Then, go wild, and pick your favorite. A bold color , maybe Radiant orchid , because it's this season's color. Get a dress that stands out, but don't go overboard, becasue you might just get dress as for Halloween, and the result will be exactly the opposite as you might want it.
3. Smart shopping! My kind of shopping. Go out and try on several styles and find teh one that looks great on you! An A-line dress will flatter most figures, don't go all princessy because it's wrong! Bodycon dresses will flatter hourglass figures with tonned legs, don't get it if you are not close to a supermodel figure.
After you found the perfect style, go online and search for the best price. Keep a look out for shiny fabrics, beware of them! They stain easily and look pretty cheap. A fine chiffon dress is a always a great idea!
Get a netrual color, maybe pastel even in a style that won't go out of fashion fast. A long, simple dress, with some lace details and maybe a few beaded embellishments is more that you need! 
Take it this way, you can get a simple, pleated bustier dress, in a neutral color, like ivori, beige that you can wear for years and years. Change jewelry, shoes, maybe sew some accessories on it yourself. Stained? No problem, if it doesn't wash out you can paint something on it. It;s that simple and the investment is totally worth it. Get a 100 pounds on a dress for prom, that you can redesign for another 20 pounds and have a new one for that wedding you were invited to. And the money you saved wouold get you on the trip you wanted.
So simple, as 1, 2,3 ;)
My favorite is the last one, you can get  flats and a simple cardigan-wear it to the beach




How to style a leather and lace dress


 Want to stand out? Get a leather and lace dress!

Of course people were starring because I was wearing this in the middle of the day, in the parc, but well, they don't really understand. I heard one say: OMG, did she just get out of the house like that?!
Nevermind, this is not a day outfit.Maybe with a blouse over and some flat boots.
This is a dress that doesn't need any accessories because the lace and leather mix is already a statement. A shoulder bag or clutch, some nice shoes and maybe a watch or bangles are enough. You could go to a fashion show, club, or store opening like this, but not for a walk in the park.
I also posted the making of video for the project we are working on... keep you posted!
Have a great weekend!

Vrei sa iesi in evidenta? Rochia din piele si dantela e o posibila optiune.
Sigur ca oamenii se vor uita lung la tine daca poti o tinuta de acest gen in mijlocul zile in parc, ca mine. Am si auzit-o pe una spunand: Asta asa a iesit din casa?
:)) M-am amuzat tare, nu toti inteleg, dar e ok
Tinuta nu e de zi, poate doar cu o bluza peste si niste ghete fara toc.
Rochia nu are nevoie de multe accesorii pentru ca deja combinatia de piele si dantela e edgy.
O geanta de umar sau un plic, niste pantofi draguti, un ceas sau chia rniste bratari simple. O prezentare de moda, un party in club sau deschiderea unui magazin pot fi evenimentele la care se preteaza tinuta.
Am postat si clipul de Making of al proiectului la care lucram. Va tin la curent!
Un weekend minunat!

 Dress: Here
Boots: Here
Watch: Michael Kors
Bag: Here

 Making of video

Making of.... Stylished editorial
Photography: Flavius Neamciuc
Make-up: Kiaari Andreea
Hairstyle:Danu Şi Anto / Seiche Julian
Models: Andreea, Athena D. , Elena , Monica
Styling : B.A.D style 

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Pedalarea de primavara 2014

 Am o mica confesiune de facut!

 Cand eram mai mica, ca toti copii, ma plimbam zilnic cu bicicleta, uneori chiar si cu rolele in picioare. E adevarat ca atunci nici traficul nu era asa aglomerat. Apoi am abandonat ideea, nici nu mai stiu din ce motiv. La 18 ani am luat carnetul si m-am vazut dependenta de masina. Am tot refuzat sa merg cu bicicleta, mai ales prin trafic de frica. Piste de biciclete nu prea exista, trotuarele sunt destul de proaste, pietonii se enerveaza daca vrei sa treci printre ei, nici nu iti fac loc. Pe sosea enervezi soferii, uneori chiar si pe buna dreptate.
In incercarea de a trece peste aceste probleme, am inceput sa merg la sala  cu bicicleta, fiind aproape mi-e mai usor sa ma obisnuiesc cu ideea. Sper sa ma tin de treaba si nu mai fiu asa legata de mersul cu masina.
Maine ne vedem la ora 10 la Platforma TIMCO sa plecam impreuna la pedalarea de primavara!
Cine mai vine?

I have a little confession for you guys. When I was a little girl I used to ride my bike daily, as most kids did, sometimes with my rollerblades on too.(not smart-I know). Then I abandoned the idea and got a car when I was 18 and have been addicted to driving since then. I refused to ride my bike because of  too much traffic, bad sidewalks, and cars that do not pay attetion to people riding bikes. 
Trying to overcome all these fears and problems, I have been riding my bike to gym almost daily if the weather would be fine and I hope I can keep this up. 
We are having a bike parade tomorrow at 10 in Timisoara. If you are around, maybe you would like to join!

Info pe pagina de facebook VERDE pentru BICICLETE

How to mix textures


 As I  told you before, I am not a print fan, but I love mixing textures.

I designed this chiffon skirt with a color  snake print thinking of mixing it with a simple top and comfy shoes, a casual,edgy outfit. I got the sequin top a while ago from The Front Row shop but I had my sleeves cut and shorthend in lenght  becasue it was too long .
 A few tips for mixing textures:
Don't go wild in colors too.
 Get a printed item, and the other texture should pe plain in one of the print's colors, preferably a neutral one. Don't mix too many textures because it will look weird.
 Experiment , take pictures and see what looks nice, we all make mistakes, but we learn from them.

Dupa cum v-am mai spus, nu ma dau in vant dupa imprimeuri, dar imi place mixul de texturi.
Cand am creat fusta asta idn  voal cu imprimeu de sapre gri cu violet ma gandeam sa o asortez cu un top simplu, larg, pentru o tinuta de zi, casual ,dar totusi interesanta. Bluza din paiete albe o am de ceva timp , dar recent am modificat-o putin, adica am taiat din maneci si lungime ca pe mine arata ciudat, fiind mica de inaltime imi era aproape rochie. 
Cateva idei pentru asocierea texturilor
Nu va aventurati cu prea multe culori.
O piesa cu imprimeu, iar textura alaturata sa fie de intr-una din culorile imprimeului, preferabil o nuanta neutra.
Nu amestecati prea multe texturi, poate arata ciudat mai ales daca nu stapaniti tehnica.
Nu ezitati sa incercati variante diferite, faceti-va poze ca astfel puteti vedea mai bine greselile.

Skirt: B.A.D. style
Boots: Here
Bag: Here
ring: HM

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

VERDE pentru BICICLETE-cum a fost


Dupa cum va spuneam , duminica am fost si eu printre multi altii (peste 5000 ) la pedalarea de primavara, un super eveniment VERDE pentru Biciclete organizat de Romina Faur

Adunarea s-a facut la ora 10, noi am ajuns pe la 10 45 ( ca saptamana a fost lunga si trezirea de duminica grea), cand deja era foarte multa lume adunata. 
Muzica, baloane colorate, oameni de toate varstele, chiar si animale de companie plimbate pe langa biciclete, in cosuri sau remorci speciale. Un spectacol de culoare si voie buna.
Mi-a placut mult energia de acolo. Cred ca niciodata nu am mai vazut atata lume fericita, zambareata la un loc. 
Pe traseul de aproximativ 14 km am intalinit si peripetii. Se mai pica, se mai opreau pe drum, altii s-au pierdut de grup. Cei mai putin politicosi  au fost soferii carora nu prea le-a placut miscarea asta fiind blocati in trafic din cauza noastra. Injurii si amenintari aiurea care nu isi aveau locul, unde sa mai punem ca unii voluntari erau cat pe ce sa fie calcati de soferii care nu tineau cont de indicatii .
Una peste alta , evenimentul a fost unul de succes si eu abia il astept pe urmatorul.
La final, inainte de premiere,  unul dintre biciclistii participanti si-a cerut iubita in casatorie intr-un mod foarte original ,ea evident a spus DA! Le urez si eu casa de piatra!

Foto: Flavius Neamciuc si Christoph Bucher

White dress and Cherry blossoms


The city is filled with these beautiful trees and everyone is taking pictures of them. How could I resist?
A simple black and white look with nude shoes and colorful details. The burgundy bag, colorful necklace and orange heels make the look stand out without being too much.
This could be a cute wedding outfit, maybe with another jacket, or a company party. If you get a simple suit coat and simple heels you might just go to the office like this.
I think the white dress is really versatile being so simple , it makes it easier to mix and match.
The great thing about it? it's only 24.99 free shipping~!More great news from Romwe below!

Orasul e plin de copaci infloriti si toata lumea ii pozeaza, eu cum puteam sa rezist?
O tinuta simpla, alb negru cu accente colorate. Geanta visinie, colierul multicolor, ci tocul portocaliu sunt detaliile care scot tinuta din anonimat fara sa fi exagerata.
Aceasta poate fi o tinuta potrivita pentru o nunta sau o petrecere in cadrul companiei, poate cu alta geaca. Cu un sacou simplu si alti pantofi poti ajunge si la birou.
Rochia alba este extrem de versatila, si fiind simpla, se poate asorta la nesfarsit.
Vestea buna abia acum apare, e doar 24.99 $ si transport gratuit.Mai multe vesti bune de la Romwe putin mai jos.

 Dress: Here only 24.99$
Jacket: Mango
Necklace: Rosewholesale
Shoes: Here
Bag: Here

 Three super cool bags
In fashion you need the right weapons to stand out
pick yours

Grenade    Gun     Handcuffs

"Geek" Print Grey T-shirt you have never seen before!

Sold at the price of $9.99, original price is $26.99,up to 63%off.
Only 300 units are in stock . Hurry up!
140 pieces for size S,
80 pieces for size M,
80 pieces for size L,
Only at 1:00am GMT April 10th, only 24 hours!
Worldwide free shipping, shipped in 24 hours.

Veea Music production -Styling for Atom Muzic


This was a few weeks ago but with all the other shootings I actually forgot to post the making of pictures:( 

Sorry for that but here they are now. 
 For more info about the artist , visit his facebook page Atom Muzic
The first part of the shooting was in a factory's  parking lot and we got an awesome  ,blue, 1964 Ford Mustang as a prop.I have to admit that I really am a Mustang fan so I enjoyed every minute!
Then, we went up on the roof  for the second part. We got to see the sunset with an amazing view over the city.

 Asta a fost acum cateva saptamani bune , dar cu toate celelalte sedinte foto am uitat sa postez fotografiile de making of....
Daca va intereseaza mai multe detalii despre artist , ii puteti vizita pagina de facebook,Atom Muzic
Prima parte a shootingului a avut loc in curtea unei fabrici , intr-un Ford Mustang albastru din '64.
Eu sunt mare fan Mustang, asa ca a fost o reala placere.
Apoi ne-am urcat pe sus pe un bloc , am admirat apusul si ne-am apucat de partea a doua a sedintei foto cu o vedere geniala asupra orasului.

Fotografiile finale in curand!
The final pictures really soon!

The team: 
Artist: Atom Muzic
Make-up: Marius Lupu
Clothes: New Yorker
Making of pictures: Diana Farca


Transparent Lace Dress

The sexiest dress ever!

Why? Because it doesn't have anything underneath, it's only fine, transparent black lace.
Well, of course I wore a simple cotton dress under, but I still have two other ideas of how to wear this dress. Soon to come. 
Could you imagine wearing this for a wedding party? how about a casual outfit?
 So many posibilities

Cea mai sexy rochie!
De ce? Ca ea de fapt nu are captuseala, e doar dantela fina , transparenta.
Sigur ca mi-am luat o rochie simpla de bumbac pe post de captuseala, dar mai am inca doua idei de cum poate fi purtata.
In curand!
 Ati purta rochia la o nunta? dar  pentru o tinuta de zi?
Sunt multe posibilitati, lasati-va imaginatia sa zburde!

Dress: Here
Bag: Here
Sunnies: Ray-Ban

Photos by Veres Krisztian



 Short story  this week on myinstagram account.

Busy, busy, running from one place to another, with healthy snacks along. Almonds, bannana shake and water(trying to drink more). Had a treat too, white chocolate, that I shared, didn't eat it all on my own.
Now for three days I am trying not to eat any kind of bread, nothing with flour, no sugar( just one Tspoon in my coffee), no salt, no dairy, just fruits and vegetables mostly smoothies and a salad per day. Cleansing a bit before Easter. 
I've also been working on a little present for my godson, I hope he will like his new plimsolls.
Other than that, working on orders and trying to be up to date with everything.

Un rezumat al saptamanii mele peinstagram.
Treaba peste treaba, alergat prin oras, a se citi condus, pentru ca nu o sa alerg la propriu  cand am ceva de rezolvat ca as fi varza:))) toata transpirata sa ma intalnesc cu clienti, ar fugii lumea de mine.
Incerc sa imi iau la mine gustari sanatoase, migdale, shakeul meu de banane , si apa, pentru ca trebuie sa ma obisnuiesc sa beau mai multa. Ati vazut si ciocolata, alba, pe care am impartit-o, nu am mancat o tabla singura, cu toate ca puteam:)).
Pentru trei zile , acum  incerc sa nu mananc paine deloc, nici fainoase, fara zahar(doar o lingurita in cafea), fara sare sau produse lactate. Doar legume si fructe, nuci, alune ne prajite, facute shake , si o salata pe zi. sa vedem daca ma tin de cura asta inainte de Paste, poate o tin mai mult, dar cu cate aniversari am de sarbatorit saptamana asta , nu stiu cum voi reusii. (tort!) 
Am lucrat putin si la cadou pentru finutul meu, sper sa ii placa noii lui tenisi:P
Inafara de asta, comenzile clientelor mele dragi.
Ati fi curioase sa va arata cateva din ele?

Colierul Statement- Cum transformi o rochie


 Banchete, nunti, petreceri exclusiviste,  toate cer tinute impecabile ceea ce inseamna o gaura in buget.
As putea sa iti dau un pont. O rochie simpla  intr-o culoare neutra sau nu neaparat, depinde ce iti place. Maneca treisfert, lunga pana in pamant, simpla.
Apoi faci shopping online. Accesorii, mai exact coliere statement de la Borealy, superbe la preturi foarte bune. Iti cumperi 1-2-3, depinde de buget si le porti pe rand la aceeasi rochie.
Ai spune ca nu shcimba foarte mult, si nu o poti purta la fiecare eveniment.
Dar , iti mai dau niste idei. La urmatorul eveniment, e si mai cald, ii tai manechile, si ii faci un decolteu in spate. La urmatorul, o scurtezi, sau ii poti face o crapatura pe picior.
Deci ai 3-4 variante pentru o singura rochie.
Bijuteriile schimba o tinuta, iti trebuie doar putina imaginatie si o sesiune de smart shopping.
Ce ziceti? va place ideea mea?

The new Coco Rocha-first shooting


 The new Coco Rocha-Mihaela

 This was Mihaela's first shooting and she did a great job! I love her natural copper hair and the freshness young girls these days virtually lack. 
I also think she looks like Coco Rocha a bit, don't you?

Prima sedinta foto a Mihaelei, putin timida , dar s-a descurcat de minune .Eu zic ca daca isi doreste sa lucreze in domeniu, are mari sanse sa ajunga departe. Imi place nuanta de cupru a parului ei ,trasaturile fine, feminine, si naturalete ceea ce multe fete din ziua de azi nu mai au.
Mie mi se pare ca seamana putin cu Coco Rocha, voi ce ziceti?

 Great news from Romwe too, check the details below

Happy Easter day

Up to 75%off. Hurry up!

More than 1000 styles. There is always a suitable one for you!
Start from Apr 15th, end on Apr 22nd.

Shipping within 24 hours.

By the way, the white lace blouse in 3D embroidery will be $11.99 on April 17th, save 64%.


Under Construction

I hope you guys had a great Easter, because I sure did. Spent the holiday home with my family, relaxing and working out.

You might ask why did I take photos near the construction site on my street, welll I've got something under construction myself. I am moving the blog on my personal domain, and I really hope you will like it. 
I also have a new giveaway from Romwe up, starting at midnight tonight. Just follow the instructions in the rafflecopter widget. Have a great week!

One winner will be picked 5 days later.  Good Luck!
Btw, the stripe leggings will be $15.99 on 24th April.  Here is an inner coupon for you, my lovely fans: 10%offleggings  It’ll help you save another 10% for the leggings on 24th April.

Sper ca ati petrecut frumos sarbatorile. Eu am stat cu familia acasa, ne-am relaxat si am facut miscare.
Probabil va intrebati de ce m-am gasit sa fac poze chiar langa groapa din strada unde se lucreaza.
Treaba e ca si eu construiesc ceva: voi muta blogul pe domeniul personal, sper sa va placa mai mult.
SI ca sa ne bucuram mai tare ca am avut un weekend prelungit, am si un nou giveaway sponsorizat de Romwe care incepe la miezul noptii. Urmariti instructiunile din aplicatia de mai jos , e foarte simplu.
O zi frumoasa va doresc!

Jacket: Mango
Top: Here
Shorts: Here
Bag:  Here
Watch: Calvin Klein
Bracelet: Here

Zara - #dear Romania shop online


 Zara Romania a lansat si magazinul online- o noua varianta de shopping- experienta mea

Din 2 Aprilie ne putem face cumparaturile de Zara si online, ceea ce ne aduce o serie de avantaje in plus.
Odata cu lansarea primisem si eu un voucher pentru cumparaturi. Zis si facut! A ajuns comanda repede la magazinul ales de mine(livrarea in magazin e gratuita) . Toate mi-au venit perfect inafara de ghetele alese. Cu toate ca eu imi cumpar incaltaminte online de mult timp, si mereu imi iau aceeasi marime,38, fara sa am vreo problema, de data asta nu s-a potrivit. Probabil din cauza calapodului. Pentru ca imi facea si piciorul sa para mare, si aratau ciudat mai ales ca eu sunt mica de inaltime, le-am schimbat. Adica m-am dus la magazin, am facut retur, si apoi mi-am comandat altceva, o pereche de tenisi.
Produsele alese de mine compun o tinuta basic, B&W , elemene care se pot reasorta cu haine pe care deja le am in garderoba.
In curand si o serie de tinute.
Voi ati cumparat online de la Zara?

Zara just launched it's online shop here in Romania,and on this occasion I got a shopping voucher.
Placed the order then waited just a few days until the parcel arrived at the nearest Zara shop. All the items fit me perfect , besides the boots. I have been shopping shoes online for a while now and I always got size 38 without any problems. Maybe they were too big because of the design, they even made my feet look huge, and as I am short, I exchaged them. Went to the store, returned the shoes and got another order. Sneakers this time.  The products I chose are BW , basic items, so endless posibilities to mix and match.
Soon some looks on the blog.
What have you bought?


When words fail, MUSIC speaks


 When words fail, music speaks

Haven't been listening to music on headphones for a while now, but as I have been riding the bike, running and going to gym pretty often, this is a must have. First of all because I don't want to listen to Amy Winehouse while I workout at gym. I tend to fall asleep:))) , I like her music, but not at gym!
So here is a casual outfit, perfect even for riding the bike, with my new Zara sneakers of course!

 Nu am mai ascultat de mult timp muzica la casti, pentru ca imi puneam curu in masina si dadeam drumul la player. Nu e o treaba grozava, si am decis sa imi schimb putin stilul de viata, cat imi permite timpul. Merg mai des cu bicicleta, respectiv la sala ca e destul de aproape cat sa nici nu pierd timp pe drum, ba chiar ajung mai repede asa decat cu masina. Asa ca muzica in casti imi da un plus de energie, stare de bine, si  e vital cand la sala se aude in boxe Amy Winehouse ca azi de exemplu. Imi place muzica ei, dar nu la sala ca ma ia somnu....
Revenind la tinuta mea, foarte casual , cu noii mei tenisi de la Zara, cu care as pleca pe bicicleta  imediat, daca nu ar fi noapte si frig.


Don't forget about the Giveaway!

One of my favorite gym tracks

Nickelback-Burn it to the ground

 Top: Here
Shorts: no name
Sneakers: Zara
Necklace: Here
Sunnies: Ray-Ban

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Three prom outfits for under 80$


 Low budget? no problem!

I know special events and proms are just around the corner so I did a little search and found for you girls some cheap and classy ideas for as low as 70$ dress + bag. It sounds great, right?
If you save that much on the dress and bag you could invest more in shoes. It's time to get your favorite pair from Jimmy Choo or Manolo Blahnik that will WOW your appearance.
Or just spend your money on a nice vacation.
So what do you think? Which is your favorite? I love the red dress!

Stiu ca banchetele au inceput, invitatiile la nunti curg in posta , asa ca m-am gandit sa va vin in ajutor. Am gasit cateva tinute, rochie si geanta, la preturi foarte bune , chiar sub 300 lei , transport gratuit sau express prin DHL cu 15$.(putin zic eu). 
Daca economisiti atat cu rochia si geanta, acum e momentul sa va aruncati la pereche favorita de la Jimmy Choo sau Manolo Blahnik. Sau va puteti cheltuii restul de bani intr-o excursie draguta. 
Deci ce ziceti? Care e rochia preferata?
Mie cea rosie imi place mult!

1. Dress- Clutch     2. Dress- Clutch    3. Dress-Clutch

Uno de Nosotros-One of us


"If seeing meant that you would have to believe
In things like heaven and in jesus and the saints and all the prophets"

If you don't have the will to make your dreams come true , you will not see that you have that power. Seeing is not believing, you need to have faith and will. You can do anything you want, just trust yourself, fight and never let go of your dreams!
I hope you will start the week with a great tonus and start following your dreams!
The giveaway winner is Mary Somerville-congratulations Mary!

Trebuie sa vezi ca sa crezi? Atunci nu vei ajunge niciunde. Daca nu ai credinta ca iti poti face visele sa se implineasca, nu o sa le vezi implinite ca sa poti crede ca sunt reale.
Poti face ce vrei in viata, daca ai vointa, ambitie si lupti fara incetare in ceva ce crezi, in ceva ce iti doresti sa realizezi.
Sper ca o sa incepeti saptamana cu tonus bun , si de la prima ora o sa faceti ceva pentru visul vostru!
Sa anunt si castigatoarea giveaway-ului: Mary Somerville! Felicitari!

Joan Osborne-One of us

Shorts: no name
Watch: Fossil
Necklace: Here

Photos by Veres Krisztian

The Necklace Issue


 We all have a simple shirt in our closet that could save us just as good as a little black dress!

I hated shirts, really I did. Because I wore them only when I had exams, and they made me feel uncomfortable. Now I own  a few shirts, all different styles so that I have a Plan B when needed. 
I went to a concert, in a fancy bar that had an elegant edge to the design, so the question was,: What to wear?I picked my favorite leather pants from River Island, a silk top from Zara, comfy high boots and my new statement necklace from Borealy that would give the whole look a bit of sparkle!
I find it perfectly comfortable, classy with an elegant touch.
What do you think?

Mult timp am urat camasile pentru simplul fapt ca imi aminteau de examene, singura ocazie in care purtam camasa. Ma facea sa ma simt incomoda, parca o luasem imprumut de la cineva. 
Acum detin cateva camasi , stiluri diferite care asteapta in dulap momentul perfect de a ma salva in caz de nevoie. 
Weekendul trecut am fost invitata la un concert intr-un local destul de elegant, ca design, si intrebarea s-a ivit: Cu ce ma imbrac?
 Am ales pantalonii mei preferati de la River Island, camasa de matase de la Zara, botine inalte si noul meu colier de la Borealy  care  mi-a dat un plus de eleganta intregii tinute.
Mie mi se pare tinutaperfecta pentru un astfel de eveniment, in plus, si foarte comfortabila.
Voi ce ziceti?

 Coat: Here
 Top: Zara
Necklace: Borealy
Pants: River Island
Bag: Here
Watch: Calvin Klein
Sunnies: Ray-Ban
Boots: Here

Photos by Veres Krisztian

1st of May Celebration


We have an official day off on the 1st of May. 

Going out of town with family and friends is usually the thing that we do, but it seems this year the weather is not so great, staying home is a must.Still there are some great news. Shopping for summer outfits could be relieve the pain, and Romwe has some super offers.
Have a look!

Azi , dupa cum stiti, avem liber(mai mult sau mai putin). Cum iesit din oras, undeva la iarba verde iese din discutie, ca s-au anuntat ploi, ramanem in casa. Asta e.Dar avem si vesti bune, putem sta in casa la un mic shopping online pentru ca Romwe are promotii. Gata valiza pentru concediu?

The lowest price ever! $9.99! Free shipping! 3 days only! GO!

Click the following link to buy!


Collecting Watches and Thinking about Time

 Recommended Books Review—Marking Time: Collecting Watches and Thinking about Time

Any halfway serious collector of watches eventually yearns to know more about them than simply where they can find expert "http://www.thewatchbuyersgroup.com/rolex-service-center">rolex watch service
for their prized timepieces. The seriously addicted collector—sometimes called a Watch Idiot Savant or WIS on the ‘net—eventually moves past forum posts and even monthly magazines and begins looking for book-length tomes on watches and watch collecting. Michael Korda’s charming book, Marking Time: Collecting Watches and Thinking about Time would be high on our list of first stops for the budding or even veteran collector to read. It’s that rare collector’s book that even someone who isn’t a diehard watch aficionado might read and enjoy.

The reason’s are many. It’s superbly well written for one thing. Besides being a successful novelist, Korda was Editor-in-Chief at Simon & Schuster publishers for many years and it shows in the book’s clear, entertaining prose. Indeed, you feel while reading it almost like you’ve sat down beside a terribly witty, erudite gentleman raconteur on a train…one who just happens to very much like watches. It’s never boring. There are no dry, dull historical passages to slow down the proceedings. Korda tells amusing anecdotes about how he came to be a watch collector and the fascinating journey its led him on for over fifty years. Perhaps most importantly, he does a better job than anyone we’ve encountered in explaining the seemingly impossible: why we watch lover’s are so watch-obsessed in the first place. His answer is worthy of a direct quote:

“We cannot possess time or stop it or hold onto it; it’s like water running through our fingers. But we can possess the instruments that measure time—hence, the endless fascination with clocks and watches, and the fact so many people collect them, often without knowing why, except for the fact they’re pretty or mechanically interesting or expensive, or simply because they draw envious glances from those who know the value of the object on our wrist.”

If after reading Marking Time you are still in need of top-notch "http://www.thewatchbuyersgroup.com/rolex-service-center">rolex repair, do consider the Watch Buyer’s Group. Their true CW-21 Certified Watchmakers use only authentic factory parts and offer impeccable service with very attractive pricing.

For the love of RED


 The plan was to make the next post on my new blog, but there is a server problem and until the hosting company fixes it there is nothing I ca do.:(

So we'll meet here until the new blog is ready.I hope you had fun in this mini vacation, because I worked:)) Not complaining, I love my job and this season is always hectic.
So on to the next week, with the next post on the all new site
Have a great Sunday!

Planul era sa fac urmatorul post pe blogul nou, dar este o problema de server si pana cei de la hosting nu rezolva... nu am ce face .
Asa ca ne vedem aici pana e gata. Sper ca voi v-ati distrat in mini vacanta asta , pentru ca eu am muncit:)) Nu ma plang, imi place ceea ce fac si oricum e sezonul plin, deci prea curand nu scap.
O noua saptamana ne asteapta si trebuie sa profitam de cat timp liber ne-a ramas azi.
Duminica placuta!

Jeans; GLO
 Sunnies: Ray-Ban
Shoes: Vegas
Watch: Michael Kors
Ring: HM
Bag: Here

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

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