Channel: Fashion blog and styling tips | Barar Adriana Delia fashion designer
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It calls for a celebration

 If you are not a shoes addict, I bet you love buying handbags.

 You need at least a fancy handbag  and a casual one.But then you can't only have a black one and try to match it to every outfit, so buying another one would be inevitable and there you go... once you start you never stop. Leather handbags could be expensive, but they might just last you a lifetime if you take care of them. As for me, I buy all kinds of bags, leather, PU, canvas , it doesn't matter if I like it.
This is my latest bag, a shoulder bag that could fit everything I need if I am running around all day!
What is your addiction?

Romwe has  anew Giveaway for you guys!
You can win the cardigan beblow if you follow the simple rules posted in the rafflecopter widget.
Good luck!
1 lucky winner will be picked 5 days later. 
Btw, the cardigan will be only $15.99 on 6th March GMT. Save 54%.
Ship in 24 hours.
All cardigans has been prepared in the warehouse, you can get it with $15.99, save $19.99!
Daca nu sunteti dependente de pantofi, cu siguranta iubiti gentile. Aveti nevoie de cel putin doua genti, minim , minim, una casual de toata ziua si un plic ceva mai elegant. Dar nu puteti asorta o geanta neagra chiar la toate tinutele, asa ca  de aici incepe nebunia. Una azi, una maine si tot asa pana devine o pasiune. Gentile de piele pot fi scumpe, dar daca sunt de calitate si aveti grija de ele, va pot tine o viata. Eu imi cumpar si genti de piele, de panza sau imitatie, nu conteaza atata timp cat imi plac.
Asta este cea mai recenta piesa de care nu ma mai dezlipesc pentru ca este destul de mare pentru a-mi cara toate nebuniile de care am nevoie ,sau nu , pe parcursul intregii zile.
Romwe a pregatit un nou giveaway pentru voi , iar premiul este cardiganul din imaginea de jos. Tot ce trebuie sa faceti e sa urmariti cu atentie indicatiile de mai jos.

Shorts: Abercrombie
Boots: Mango
Bag: Newt.ro

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

Color Wedding dresses

 Pure White wedding dresses are not so trendy anymore.

 Now, ivory, beige and other vibrant colors like red or pink took their place. It's a lifetime event and you should be the queen, all eyes on you. Take advantage of that and pick your dream dress. Matching the flower arrangements to your dress style and color could be a great idea, that would help you plan your decorations. Playing with these textures and adding some more might be an easy sollution for your event because flowers are a must and you are probably having a hard time picking what you would like. Then add some simple glass vases and there you go, nothing more because simple things are more elegant and classy.
 Picking a colorful wedding dress could be you escape because you can wear it after the wedding too. And another great thing, dressv has cheap wedding dresses that would make you buy more than one. You can have a simple ivory dress for the church and a colorful one for th party, both for the price you would pay for only one in other stores.
I really love the red puffy dress, it looks really fancy. Which is your favorite?

Fashion Fridays Photoshooting

As I told you a few days ago, we had some fun photoshootings during the fair last weekend. 

 Iulia succeeded in making this event very interactive and everyone had a great time working together. People were visting the fair and models, photographers, bloggers were outside shooting outfits that they picked up from the designers present there.

Here are some pictures with Miha from http://www.mihaskinnybuddha.com and Laura from http://livinginash0e.blogspot.com/.

 And don't forget about the GIVEAWAY

Dupa cum v-am mai spus acum cateva zile, weekendul trecut am facut si cateva sedinte foto in timpul  targului. Iulia a reusit sa organizeze si activitati interactive pe parcursul celor 2 zile reusind sa aduca impreuna is sa mobilizeze o intreaga echipa de oameni care au muncit, dar fie vorba intre noi, s-au si distrat copios.
Oamenii vizitau targul din locatie , iar afara, modele, fotografii, bloggeri si spectatori care mai de care mai implicati .

Va las cu cateva fotografii ce la sedinta foto cu Miha  http://www.mihaskinnybuddha.com si Laura http://livinginash0e.blogspot.com/.

Nu uitati de  GIVEAWAY

 Laura: B.A.D. style leather skirt

Laura: B.A.D. style T-shirt
Sofia Afrenie sequin skirt

This item you must have!
Romwe Off-white Aztec Tribal Cardigan.$15.99 on 6th March only!
Never miss out:
Further more, over 100 bestsellers, Up to 85% off! From 4th March to 10th March!
Free shipping to the worldwide, 30 days money back Guarantee.

Sunny days are on their way!


blue eye redhead

It feels like spring and I hope this won't change for a while.

It's been a full week, and the next one too. I hope everything turns out well because you will be in for a big surprise by the end of the month.

And the GIVEAWAY winner is... Tiana Ba 
Have a super weekend!

Primavara isi intra in drepturi si eu una sper ca vremea sa n schimbe prea curand.
A fost o saptamana plina si urmeaza inca una la fel de agitata. Sper ca totul sa iasa cum trebuie si sa va surprind placut pe la sfarsitul lunii.

Castigatoarea concursului este...Tiana Ba 
Un weekend superb va doresc!

short silk skirt

leopard wedge boots
red leather chain bag
 Jumper: Here
Bag: Here
Boots: Mango
Necklace: Rosewholesale

colorful statement necklace
Photos by Veres Krisztian

This is my B.A.D. bike


 Finally got the chace to go out and have some fun. 

We went for a ride on Sunday to get some icecream and it really felt great! I can't wait to do that again, not very soon unfortunately because this week and next week are cramped with shootings. But I hope it will be worth it(sometimes  I feel like my nerves are stretched to the limit; some people don't respect other people's time)
Now back to work!Don't forget about the giveaway that will start at 24:00

In sfarsit am reusit  sa scap putin de treaba si am mers la o plimbare cu bicicleta pana in centru sa mancam o inghetata.
Abia astept sa repet activitatea , dar probabil nu prea curand ca saptamana asta si viitoarea sunt pline de sedinte foto.Sper sa se merite toata treaba(cateodata simt ca nervii imi sunt intinsi la  maxim; unii chiar nu stiu sa respecte timpul altora.)
Acum inapoi la treaba! Nu uitati ca la  miezul noptii incepe un nou concurs!

 Hat: B.A.D style
Jacket: Here
Leggings: Here
Shoes: Puma
Sunnies: Ray-Ban

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

Btw, the cool tee will be only $9.99 on 13th March GMT.
Here is an inner coupon for you, my lovely fans: 10%offcoco
It can save you another 10% for the cool tee on 13th March only.

Beauty is all about simplicity

A spontaneous photoshoot at the Fashion Fridays Spring Fair. We didn't plan this at all, but as Denisa was there , Iulia got a cool make-up and then she said. Let's take some pictures! I gave her the only long dress I had there, and this was actually a wedding dress. These photos could be the statement that beautiful things shouldn't be complicated. 


Am facut o sedinta foto spontana la targul de primavara Fashion Fridays . Nu am planuit nimic, dar cum Denisa era acolo, Iulia vroia sa se machieze, totul s-a legat. Brusc se hotarase ca vrea sa facem poze. I-am dat singura rochie lunga ce o aveam la targ, care de fapt e o rochie de mireasa. 
Din fotografiile astea putem trage concluzia ca lucrurile simple, spontane sunt cele mai frumoase, nu trebuie sa ne complicam ca sa aratam bine.
De acord?

Don't forget about the GIVEAWAY!


$9.99, starting at 1am 13th March GMT.
An inner coupon for you, my lovely fans: 10%offcoco
It can save you another 10% for the cool tee on 13th March only. 

Zebra crossing down the street

 I didn't have time to post so much on the blog because of my hectic schedule, and I didn't even have time for my family or friends lately, sorry for that, but we will finish soon! To keep up with my daily work, you can follow my instagram where I post more. Now, it;s time to prepare the looks for this weekend''s shootings.
Have a great Friday!

 And don't forget about the GIVEAWAY!

Nu am apucat sa postez mare lucru pe blog pentru ca am un  program foarte aiurea si nu am avut timp nici de familie sau prieteni, dar in curand terminam cu nebunia asta. Pentru a fi la curent cu toate noutatile, urmariti contul meu de instagram, acolo reusesc sa postez mai des. Acum ma intorc la treaba, pregatesc tinutele pentru sedintele foto din acest weekend.
O zi faina!
Nu uitati nici de Giveaway!

Top:B.A.D. style
Bag: Newt.ro
Sunnies: Ray-Ban

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Be a princess at the prom


It's probably one of the only times you could actually get away with dressing up like a princess without looking ridiculos. 

Still you should not exaggerate! Don't add tiaras or many jewelry items. Don't get too fancy with the hairdo or too much make-up and glitter. If you get a big dress, go with a simple hairdo, maybe a braid and a more natural make-up. And the other way around. If the dress is simple , without any embellishments, you can get a fancy clutch, a statement necklace or a fancy hairdo, but not all at once. Try to focus only on one detail.

Pastel shades will always be trendy because they have a certain feminity that can not be replaced. Red, black and nude are also timeless, but you need to get a simple, A-line dress to get the clasic look . Spend you money wise, go shopping online for the best deal and get your prom dress for the best price. Try styles in your local shops and find what look best on you, then search for it online and get it! Beaded details will look great but try not to go very bling bling. Crystals may look good in pictures, but in the real life they might be too much and you don;t want that.

Insta Sunday-Recap


 Busy , busy week and I hope the next will be the last busy week for a while.

Shootings and Shootings, printing T-shirts, finishing other orders, some gym in between and new additions to my closet. We are close the final result and the days get busier. Keep in touch!Follow my instagram for more pictures behind the scenes

O saptamana plina varf si sper ca urmatoarea sa fie ultima de genul acesta sa imi pot recupera si eu energia plus ca mai am treburi neterminate, amanate din cauza de lipsa de timp. Sedinte foto peste sedinte foto, tricouri de imprimat , comenzi de terminat, sala printre toate cele si cateva cumparaturi. Suntem aproape de finalizarea proiectului si zilelele sunt tot mai pline. tinem legatura pe instagram , unde voi reveni cu noutati din culise!

Addicted to Starbucks


 I couldn't wait for this Monday ebcause it was my first "day off"in a while and I could actually finish some of my work. 

But well, things don't always go as planned and I actually had a pretty bad day and I will try  later to finish everything I wanted to do. Tomorrow, another photoshooting with my fellow fashion bloggers. 
More on that soon.

Abia am asteptat sa fie luni , prima mea zi "libera"de ceva timp, si puteam sa imi termin treaba cu ocazia asta. Dar cum lucrurile nu merg conform planului,si am si avut o zi destul de nasoala, ramane sa incerc mai tazriu sa termin treaba. Maine o noua sedinta foto cu doua bloggerite din Timisoara, miercuri cu alte doua, dar mai multe detalii in curand!

And the winner of the "Coco made me do it" GIVEAWAY is Vanessa Admira!

Blouse: Here
Skirt: Here
Bag: Here
Boots: Stylishplus

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

Don't Worry, be Naughty!


 Still busy with the shootings and  orders for my awesome clients.

I will be back with great news!
For now, here are some pictures from the spring fair-Fashion Fridays.
A full BADstyle outfit and Mossa Atelier Boots!

Tot ocupata sunt....sedinte foto zilnic si comenzile clientelor  mele superbe printre ele.
O sa revin cu super vesti!
Pentru moment va las cu cateva fotografii de la targul de primvara-Fashion Fridays!
O tinuta BADstyle si ghete Mossa Atelier

Botticelli’s Venus Sweatshirt you have never seen before!
On 1am 20th March GMT,
Romwe “the Birth of Venus” Sweatshirt will be sold at the price of $15.99, whose original price is $39.99. Only on March 20th, only 24 hours!
Worldwide free shipping, shipped in 24 hours.
More than 3000 customers have already added it to the shopping cart.
Want a free one??
Click romwe facebook page to get a free one!!

Shake it like a polaroid picture!


 I barely have time for anything else, but these past few days were so much fun and exhausting too.

 Today, the last shooting for this week, and then back to the drawing board as they say. And I hope that I can book this Sunday for myself, as in no work! This is a plan! Hope I can stick to it!  Have a fun day, the weekend is close!

Abia am timp sa fac alte chestii decat cele deja planificate, dar zilele acestea au fost super distractive, si obositoare Azi am ultima sedinta foto pe saptamana asta si dupa aia ma intorc la treaba. Sper sa ma tin de plan si Duminica sa ramana libera! O zi faina va doresc!

Bag: Mango
Sunnies: Ray-Ban

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Greu cu barbatii

Vin sarbatorile Pascale si incepe nebunia cadourilor. Eu de obicei imi fac lista cu o luna inainte sa nu intru in panica pe ultima suta de metrii.

Chiar daca imi planific tot din timp, ma impotmolesc cand e vorba de cadourile pentru barbati, respectiv tata  si prietenul meu. Teoretic este simplu, practic nu prea.
Variantele sunt multiple, dar e complicat de ales.

In cautarile mele, am dat peste www.borealy.ro , care este salvarea noastra! Am si facut o mica lista de posibile cadouri pentru barbatii din viata noastra.
In functie de cat de apropiati sunteti, puteti opta fie pentru o agenda, sau un set de scris sub forma unui jurnal cu aspect vintage, penita si cerneala. Un set cu sticle de vin si accesorii poate fi o idee una, poate chiar pentru seful de la birou.

 Daca nu bea alcool, un ceai rafinat intr-un ambalaj elegant ar putea fi o alta varianta.

Pentru iubit, un ceas poate fi oricand un cadou potrivit, eu i-am luat deja cateva ceasuri asa ca probabil e timpul sa ii cumpar o cutie pentru colectie.

Sau un set de produse cosmetice, ca doar ne plac barbatii ingrijiti, nu?

Cutie ceai

Holographic illusion


 If I would look out the window right now, I would see the rain pouring down ..

..But these photos were taken on a sunny day right before sunset because it is the best light, as you know-the golden hour.
 I'm pretty anxious about several events that will take place starting in April and I will have to work hard for this. But I love what I do, so it's easier. 
I want to thank you , my dear readers, for being here for me , so for this, I will have a giveaway with something designed by me.Stay tooned!

Daca m-as uita acum pe geam afara, as vedea ca inca ploua....Dar fotografiile astea nu au fost facute azi, ci intr-o zi cu soare, inainte de apus-ca doar e cea mai buna lumina, nu?
As vrea sa va impartasesc bucuria mea, dar nu va pot spune inca despre ce este vorba. Sunt cateva evenimente importante la care voi participa, si care incep din luna Aprilie. Am ceva de muncit, dar pentru ca fac ce imi place, va fi usor.
Va multumesc ca imi cititi blogul si ca ma sustineti de fiecare data, iar pentru asta, o sa pregatesc un giveaway cu un produs creat de mine pentru voi. Stati pe aproape!

Top: Here
Boots: Here
Sunglasses: Ray-Ban
Bag: Here

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Picking out suits for the groom


 Of course you've already got everything planned. Venue booked since 2 years ago, the flowers, menu, bridesmaids, music, dancers, and of course your dress, shoes, accessories, hair and make-up, bouquet, absolutely everything. But wait, didn't you forget anything?

Ooops, the groom.Unless he has a really great sense of style, he is probably lost in a big store with many suits, shirts, shoes and other accessories that he might have never thought of owning by now. And in the end he will just pick the black suit, because it's the safest  way to go.
I'm here to help a bit. Bonobos.com just got out the spring wedding collection that might interest you grooms and brides too of course. 
Don;t get me wrong, you should not pick your suit according to the decorations, just to get a hint of how great the shades might match.( show this to your future wife, she will understand)
Get a lightweight suit for a warm day, because it is very important to stay fresh and comfortable the whole day. Light colors will reflect light and the sun will not heat you up that much. 
Don't go neutral, just add some color even if it's just the side pocket napkin or the tie.
If you are in doubt, you should try to see what www.bonobos.com has to offer and that might just save your tail .

 Sigur ca deja ai totul planificat. Locatia e platita de acum 2 ani, menuil stabilit, muzica, aranajamentele florale, domnisoarele de onoare, dansatori si bineinteles rochia, parul ,machiajul si pantofii, totul pus la punct. Dar deja nu iese socoteala, nu ai uitat ceva? Un mire de exemplu?
Saracul, probabil e deja pierdut  printre produse in magazine imense cu sute de posibilitati nestiind ce sa aleaga, asta daca nu are un simt estetic extrem de dezvoltat....Si probabil pana la urma, alege costumul negru sau albastru inchis in cel mai bun caz ca doar e varianta cea mai simpla, merge la orice, nu?
 Sa zicem ca vin si eu in ajutor. Bonobos tocmai au lansat colectia de primavara si chiar daca nu ma dau in vant dupa costume, acestea chiar arata bine. 
Dupa imaginile de mai jos o sa credeti ca sustin asortarea mirelui cu aranjamentele florale si fata de masa.... , dar nu e asa. Am exemplificat cat de bine arata mixul de texturi si nuante, si ce variante de styling ar putea fi luate in calcul.  Pentru primavara -vara propun un costum dintr-un material usor, care are in compozitie fibre naturale pentru ca sa va puteti simti comod toata ziua(evident vorbesc cu mirii acum)
Nuantele deschise reflecat lumina, ceea ce inseamna ca soarele nu va v-a incalzii la fel de tare ca si intr-un costum de o nuanta mai inchisa.
Sa nu uitam detaliile, care pot fi colorate pentru un costum simplu, intr-o singura nuanta neutra poate fi chiar banal. Un servetel colorat, o cravata sau chiar camasa de o nuanta mai intensa poate fi o varianta draguta.
Daca totusi nu v-ati decis inca, aruncati o privire pe www.bonobos.com ca poate salveaza situatia si bugetul.

Work-Work and Good News

We are still working on the phantom project so less time for the blog, but still I will try to keep it up to date here too.
Now, a new giveaway is up and you can win a cool lace top from Romwe!
Good luck honeys!

Inca lucram la proiectul care inca e SECRET, iar timpul este destul de limitat. Totusi incerc sa fiu la zi si cu postarile aici.
Acum e timpul pentru un nou Giveaway sponsorizat de Romwe in care puteti castiga  o bluza de dantela!
Mult succes dragelor!

Girly or sexy? Edgy or elegant? Vintage or chic? You’ll decide >> http://www.romwe.com/romwe-hollowout-lace-crochet-black-blouse-p-66057.html
Here is an inner coupon for you, my lovely fans: 10offblacklace
It’ll help you save 67% in total :) 

How to wear a flower printed dress


Spring is here and our flower printed clothes are peeking out of the closet.

I just got this printed dress from Persunmall,and I love it because it;s very soft and it feel great on the skin. The fabric quality is very important to me as I don't like all textures right on my skin. Because it's not that warm outside, I decided to get a loose jumper over it, and I wanted to keep the dress in focus, so the jumper is plain white. 
My favorite nude shoes and burgundy bag from Choies.
Love it or hate it?

 A venit primavara si imprimeurile floarele incep sa se furiseze afara din dulapul nostru.
Mie tocmai mi-a ajuns rochia asta de la Persunmall care imi place foarte mult mai ales pentru ca materialul este fin si foarte comod la purtat. Mie nu plac chiar orice texturi direct pe piele, daca e mai aspru ma pot irita usor si a doua oara nu mai port respectiva haina. 
Pentru ca inca nu e asa cald, am luat un pulover larg peste, iar ca sa pastrez focusul pe rochie, am ales unul alb .Pantofii mei nude preferati si geanta visinie de la Choies .
Va place sau nu prea?

Don't forget about the GIVEAWAY!

Bag: Here

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Bijuterii dantelate -Eleganta eterna



 De fiecare data cand avem un eveniment special ne batem capul in primul rand cu tinuta, iar apoi cu accesoriile.

 Ajungand sa alegem gablonturi dragute, dar care in timp isi pierd stralucirea. 
Noua colectie Dantelle este exact ce avem nevoie. Piese elegante, dantelate, de o eleganta eterna in care merita investit. Detalii fine din argint si aur si pietre sintetice impecabil fatetate de o stralucire aparte.
 E timpul sa mai renuntam la colierele masive, statement, care ne-au dominat pana acum, sa le schimbam pentru  bijuteriile fine, feminine.
 O rochie simpla, eleganta are nevoie doar de putina stralucire, restul e atitudinea.
Eu am pus ochii pe cateva piese..
Pentru a va stimula imaginatia, va las un clip, sa vedeti ce frumos arata bijuteriile pe piele.


ZARA online shop- 2 Aprilie


 Chiar daca e 1 Aprilie, ce va spun eu acum nu e o gluma!

ZARA in sfarsit online si in Romania, si aici vorbim de magazinul online. Pe mine una ma bucura nespus! Pot sa imi comand produsele favorite online, fara sa ma agit cu cozile de la cabina de proba, casa de marcat si nebunia din trafic. Plus ca eu imi pierd rabdarea repede si nu am nervi sa tot scotocesc prin magazin. Asa, online pot sa ma uit si la 12 noaptea cand imi termin treaba si nu sunt conditionata de  orarul unui magazin. Imi fac lista si cand m-am hotarat platesc cu cardul-foarte simplu. Cred ca 90% din hainele mele sunt cumparate online, 5% facute de mine(ca pentru mine nu am timp) si 5% cumparate din magazin fizic. Deci ZARA online o sa fie unul din favoritele mele cu siguranta.
 Ce imi place e ca iti poti lua produsele direct din magazin, astfle nu platesti taxa de livrare, iar schimbarea acestora se face tot asa. 
Mi se pare ca au facilitat toate serviciile pentru ca clientul sa fie imbiat sa cumpere, ceea ce mi se pare perfect!
Un client multumit, care a beneficiat de facilitati multiple pentru a-i usura felul in care isi face cumparaturile, sigur va reveni cu prima ocazie.
Deci sa dam startul la cumparaturi!
Eu deja mi-am instalat si aplicatia pe telefon, in trafic, putin shopping ma calmeaza:))
pe voi nu?

Castigatoarea bluze de dantela de la ROMWE este Anamaria Gîrbaci
And the ROMWE giveaway winner is : Anamaria Gîrbaci

BADass Attitude

 be BOLD...... be BAD..........be BEAUTIFUL!

Really busy days, but I got these pictures from Bilootza Photography and I really want to share them with you . I'm in love with the result!  Alina, our model, has a super attitude, she moves and acts natural, it;s in her blood! I styled the new lace, leather bra and harness that you've seen on my instagram.
So what do you say? Love it?
Great news fomr ROMWE, check the details below

Zile pline si putin timp, dar azi am primit fotografiile astea de la Bilootza, si vroiam neaparat sa vi le arat cat mai repede! Sunt super incantata de ce a iesit si imi doream de mult sa realizam asa un concept. Am facut stylingul cu multa piele, noual ham si sutien la care lucram acum cateva zile, pe care probabil le-ati si vazut pe instagram. ALina, modelul nostru, a fost atat de naturala in miscari, atitudine, are talentul in sange, e superba!
Mie imi place maxim! Voua?
Am vesti bune si de la ROMWe putin mai jos!

White And Black Fluid Striped Shirt
1am 3rd April GMT, lasts only 24 hours!
400 pieces for $9.99! Don’t miss out.
It’ll help you save 75% in total

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