Channel: Fashion blog and styling tips | Barar Adriana Delia fashion designer
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Red and black again


Lately I have been obsessed with the red and black tartan mix, but you might have observed that too.
I got this dress from frontrow ealier in autumn and it's really great even in winter because it is quite thick.
I styled it with my all time favorite boots and  handbag , all black of course.
Now  let's see the rosewholesale giveaway winner:
Jodi Hoskins Larkin
Congratulations! You will be contacted soon by rosewholesale to get your prize.
Have a great Sunday!

In ultimul timp am purtat destul de mult rosu, negru , imprimeu in carouri,,,nu stiu de ce, dar tot asta scoteam din dulap. Rochia o am de pe la inceputul toamnei, dar si aucm e potrivita pentru ca e destul de groasa si tine cald. Am combinat-o cu botinele mele favorite si geanta perfecta de la persunmall, ambele negre.
Acum sa vedem cine este castigatoarea concursului sponsorizat de rosewholesale: 
 Jodi Hoskins Larkin
O duminica placuta va doresc.

Jacket: Atmosphere
Dress: Here
Bag: Here

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

Packing ! Actually I'm on my way

 As you are reading this I am driving my way to Vienna for a short vacation where I will be meeting Santa Claus for a shopping spree to get gifts for my loved ones. Sorry for the bad pictures taken with my phone, I didn't really had time to take proper pictures while packing because I was in a hurry. I hope the weather will be ok because I really hate being cold and over dressing up. I will be probably posting pictures on my instagram account, and less on th blog, so follow me there if you are interested. Got any tips for me?  See you soon! Bye bye

In timp ce voi cititi asta, eu sun deja pe drum spre Viena unde ma voi intalni cu Mos Craciun pentru a merge la cumparaturi de cadouri. Imi cer scuze pentru pozele de proasta calitate, dar eram pe fuga in timp ce impachetam si le-am facut cu telefonul. Sper sa prindem vreme faina ca frigul nu e pe placul meu deloc, si sa pun straturi peste straturi de haine si caciula si fular nu mi-e comod. Probabil voi posta mai mult pe instagram decat pe blog, asa ca daca vreti ma puteti urmarii acolo. Ceva sfaturi, ponturi aveti? 
Ne vedem curand!

P.S. Persunmall has a nice giveaway planned for Christmas.10 winners of 50$ vouchers
 All you have to do is:
 1. Register at http://www.persunmall.com/ *(required) 
2. Like our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PersunMall *(required)
3. Write a post for Persunmall.com and leave the post link in the comment. *(required)
you need to be logged in when you post the comment and links! 
It ends on 20 December

And they also have some coupons 
Have fun shopping

Presents shopping in Wien

Hey there! Right now I am writing from Wien . The city is really amazing and beautifuly decorated for Christmas, just perfect to set the holiday mood on and get inspired to buy gifts.  The weather is not that great, I hoped it would be a bit warmer, but I can dress warm and survive.
Now I got news from Romwe. They are having great sales now right before the holidays. I say go for it!

 Nu am disparut de tot chiar, dar nu am apucat sa intru pe blog sa postez ceva. Acum sunt inca in Viena, iar orasu e absolut superb, decorat pentru sarbatori, plin de lumini, iti si vine chefu si inspiratia  pentru cumparat cadouri. Vremea nu e grozava, speram sa fie mai cald, dar ma imbrac gros si supravietuiesc. Am vesti bune si pentru voi, Romwe are super reduceri, incepamd de la 9.99$ . Eu zic sa va grabiti

Super slim price flash sale!  Only 7 days!
The winter holiday must-haves collection!  $9.99 up!
Comment under the product, and get a chance to win a free one.
Already started! Don’t miss, girls!
And there’s also The 4th Anniversary Celebration Week 2

Get your 50% off voucher for Christmas!

 When getting presents for your loved ones you would probably see some stuff that you would love for yourself, but if the budget is tight you will cross it of the list. But well, I have news for you guys, www.escapeshoes.com has a super offer that will not be able to ressist. A 50% offer on any order until the end of the year. So you save 50% and you can get yourself the present you wanted, perfect right?
You can pick Timberland boots, Cubanas, Ugg boots ,even cleaning kits, and many more well known brands. I have my eyes on some goodies from here......
Here is the code: BAD-Style , only one of  you lucky girls or guys can use it so hurry up and the one that gets it!

Cand gonesti dupa cadouri pentru cei dragi, ajungi sa vezi chestii pe care ti le doresti, dar daca bugetul e fix cam tai de pe lisat ce ti-ai dorii pentru tine. Dar, am venit cu vesti din vacanta, m-am intalnit cu Mos Craciun si a zis ca puteti sa va luati si voi ceva, pentru ca aveti un cupon de 50% reducere pana la sfarsitul anului pe www.escapeshoes.com Deci faceti economie de 50% si va puteti lua voua perechea de bocanci visata, sau na ce visati voi:)), suna bine nu?
Aveti de unde alege, Timberland, Hunter, Ugg , Cubanas , kituri de curatare etc. Eu deja am pus ochii pe unele..
Va las aici voucherul :BAD-Style, doar unul sau una dintre voi o sa puteti beneficia de reducere, asa ca grabiti-va sa prindeti voucherul!


Funky clothing for stylish kids


You might have noticed that clothing for kids is sometimes even more expensive than for adults . That might be a problem if you want to dress up your child in cool clothes, or maybe just make a present for your godson, nephew etc. They even grow fast so the clothing you buy now, could be small in a few months and you spent so much money on things they wore only a few times.
As a present, you can always go for toys, but they are expensive too if you choose fancy ones, or maybe they get broken fast, so what can you do?
As I was searching for Christmas presents,  I found ericdresses.com, and they have all sorts of kids clothing, beddings and some things for us adults. Really you have what to choose from.  Unfortunately the boys section is not as  rich as the girls because they can have different types of coats, skirts and but you can always choose a cool bedding for them, right?
Even for you having the same outfit as another  guest at a party is pretty annoying, even embarrassing, so having items that not everybody has is vital for your image.  And if you can get yourself and your kid a great outfit for a super price, doesn’t  it sound even better?
I made my shopping list,cute gifts for cute kids that will be under the tree.
 Made your list yet?


Products available at www.ericdress.com

Wien City Lights


 I am back in town and already started work because I am behind, again. So here is a quick post from the first day in Wien.
It was pretty cold so I had to wear layers and layers of warm items plus a hat to keep my head safe from the wind.
As for today, we started the blogger project with Miha from The Skinny Buddha.
You will see soon what it is about.Until then have fun shopping on Romwe because they have a Christmas sale up! And come back tomorrow for a cool giveaway from Romwe, get some cool stuff with the voucher.

Am revenit acasa si deja m-am pus pe treaba ca sunt in urma.... Asa ca va las cu un scurt post , prima zi in Viena. A fost frig asa ca m-am acoperit cu straturi si straturi de haine groase plus o palarie sa ma fereasca de vant.
Cat despre ziua de azi, am inceput noul proiect cu Miha,  The Skinny Buddha., despre care o sa aflati curand. 
Pana atunci eu zic sa aruncati un ochii pe Romwe ca au o promotie de Craciun. Si sa va intoarceti maine ca incepe concursul unde puteti castiga vouchere pentru cumparaturi.

 Hat: Here
Sweater: Here
Jeans:  Zara
Scarf: Mc Queen
Boots: Stone Creek
Jacket: Here
Bag: Aupie

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Romwe Xmas big sale!
Up to 80% off! Whole week!
Biggest discount! Most styles ever!
Date:  12/17/2013  -12/23/2013

New Project on the way-PART I-Making of...

 And here is a new behind the scenes post, you probably missed this because it's been a while since we did  a shooting. This time it's about a blogger project with Living in a shoe,Qwearty and our first "victim" 
The Skinny Buddha. the story: I designed a dress for each of them by using 5 clues that they gave me(like, color, texture, lenght, pattern etc) 
Kiaari did the make-up, Anto the hair and you will soon see what the result is. 
Until then, here are the making of pictures and a new Giveaway form Romwe that will last 5 days.
 Hurry up!

Am revenit cu niste fotografii din culise; probabil ca deja va era dor de astfel de cadre ca nu am mai facut de mult. De data asta e vorba de un  proiect impreuna cu 3 dintre bloggeritele de moda din Timisoara. Prima "victima"a fost The Skinny Buddha, si urmeaza Qwearty si Living in a shoe, Pe scurt: Le-am creat cate o rochie plecand e la 5 indicii date de fiecare(culoare, lungime, textura etc).
Kiaari a facut machiajul, iar Anto s-a ocupat de coafura.
Rezultatul final in curand. 
Pana atunci, Romwe v-a pregatit un nou concurs care dureaza doar 5 zile, as ca grabiti-va!


Christmas outfit idea


 Christmas is just around the corner and I bet you are wondering what to wear. Not too elegant for a home family dinner, but not to casual either. A bit of sparkle but we don;t want to compete with the Christmas tree.Still it's cold outside and we might go out a bit, so What to wear?!
I got an idea for you!  A bit of sequins, knits,  boots and a coat, simple right? So what do you think of my outfit? Would you wear it on Christmas?
I hope that I will see you at the Christmas Fair in Timisoara this weekend. More info about it in the link below.  I got some awesome designs for you, plus vouchers and discounts for th featured products!

Craciunul e chiar dupa colt, la propriu:)) si sunt sigura ca incep dilemele. Cum ma imbrac in seara de Craciun pentru o cina in familie?! Sa fiu stralucitoare,, dar nu vrea sa concurez cu pomul de Craciun. E frig si poate ies putin, deci cum le impac pe toate?
Am eu o idee! O fusta de paiete , un pulover calduros, cizme inalte si un palton simplu, plus o esarfa colorata. Deci, ati purta asa o tinuta de Craciun?
Sper ca in weekend sa ma intalnesc la targ cu multi dintre cei care sunt in Timisoara. Mai multe despre eveniment jos in link. Am pregatit creatii dragute pentru voi, vouchere si reduceri la produsele prezente. Va astept! Fashion Fridays Christmas Fair la Zai Apre Cafe.

 Coat: Here
Jumper: Here
Bag: Here, similar: Here
Boots: Here

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

 RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/568806026523940/

Schloß Schönbrunn -Wien Day 2

 These past days are really hectic so not much time to elaborate posts. So I will leave you with my second outfit from my short trip to Wien.
Layering is the key to a cool outfit that also keeps warm. I am still wearing my favorite coat right now, it;s so simple and easy to match to almost any outfit.
Don't forget about the giveaway, you'vegot 24 h to enter.

Zilele acestea au fost super pline, si weekend la fel, pentru ca mergem la targ nu-i asa?
 Asa ca pentru moment va las cu a doua tinuta  din scurta mea excursie  la Viena.
Pe frigul asta, singura solutie  pentru o tinuta cool, dar care tine si de frig, iar cand intrii intr-un local sa nu mori de cald, este suprapunerea elementelor. Eu port tot paltonul simplu de la Romwe, mi se pare atat de versatil incat cred ca as putea sa  fac nenumarate tinute in stiluri diferite la care sa il asortez.
Ah, si nu uitati de Concursul sponsorizat de Romwe.

 Coat: Here
Shorts: Here
Cardigan: Here
Sweatshort: George
Scarf: Mc/Queen
Handbag: Aupie
Boots: Stone Creek

Photos by Veres Krisztian


The purple dragonfly dress


 So here it is! The skinny Buddha in a B.A.D. style custom made dress.  She wanted a purple midi dress, with leather details and 3/4 long sleeves and this is what I designed for me. Kiaari did her make-up, a purple smokey with natural looking lipstick color, and Anto went for a more retro hairstyle. More picture on Miha's blog.
So what do you think?
I will also post soon a DIY clip for these lace earrings. Curious?

Miha intr-o rochie B.A.D. style special creata pentru ea dupa cateva indicii. Vroia o rochie midi violet cu detalii de piele si maneci treisfert. Kiaari i-a facut un machiaj smokey cu violet si un ruj natural pe buze.  Anto a ales sa ii faca o coafura mai retro. Mai multe imagini pe blogul The Skinny Buddha.
va place?
Voi posta in curand si un tutorial pentru acesti cercei din dantela. Sunteti curioase?

Photos: B.A.D. style

Giveaway winners + sales on Romwe


And here are the giveaway winners for the contest sponsored by Romwe are:

Kida Ellaand Diana Ionela

Congratulations! just in time for  a new sale on Romwe!Check the details below! You can spend your 30$ wisely!

Have fun shopping.

And for the ones in Timisoara, We are waiting for you at the Fashion Fridays Christmas fair, Zai Apres Cafe  .

Si castigatoarele concursului sponsorizat de Romwe sunt:

Kida Ella si Diana Ionela

Felicitari! Sunteti dublu de fericite ma gandesc, ca mai am o veste buna. Romwe au reduceri la produsele de  sezon. Spor la cumparaturi!

Iar pe cei din Timisoara va asteptam si maine si duminica la Zai Apre Cafe, sa ne vizitati la targul de Craciun, Fashion Fridays!

Xmas knitwear sale! Up to 80% off!
Starting from $12.99! Until the end of the month!
Comment under the product and try to get as more likes as you can!
The comment which gets the most “likes” will be prized with a free one as gift!
Already started! Don’t miss, girls!

What to wear for the New Year's Eve party


New Year’s Eve is just around the corner and after the Christmas  gifts hunting period we are left with another  dilemma. What to wear at the New Year party.
I got some suggestions for you just to make the pick easier.
So first, think about where you will go. At the mountains in a rustic cabana on a snowy peak, a fancy restaurant in the city, a casual party? Or a club party with all your friends?
For a cozy party at a cabana I suggest picking a warm sweater dress, maybe with lace details, pompons or handmade roses. Thick tights and some cute boots.  It should keep you warm, and also be elegant enough for the occasion. Adding sparkly jewelry would be a great idea to spice out the outfit.
A fancy restaurant would require a special dress, maybe even a maxi  design with glitter details. Play with textures and transparencies. A nude and black lace dress would be a sexy pick. Also, an interesting  beaded finish cold give you that boho touch
Maybe you will go out clubbing with your friends, so how about a short sequin dress with lace details? Maybe a maxi chiffon dress with a leather jacket, elbow length  gloves and a statement necklace. Or a simple a bodycon midi black dress ? Picking a black dress is always a great idea. Just accessorize with style.
So what will you wear?

Christmas Video-Wien day 3

 A quick post for you because right now I am getting ready for Christmas. Cleaning up, making cookies, wrapping presents, all at once. Hope you finished your jobs because I can't wait to finish mine and start relaxing:P I hope you like my little video too.
And good news from Romwe, Super sales in time for the New Year's party., What will you wear?

O postare rapida pentru ca nu am terminat inca treaba. Curatenie, prajituri, si impachetat de cadouri...dar noaptea e lunga. Sper ca voi ati terminat deja tot, eu una abia astept sa ma relaxez. Sper sa va placa si clipul meu, sa nu radeti prea tare.
Am vesti bune si de la romwe, exact la timp pentru a cumpara tinuta de revelion.

Jumper: Here
Skirt: Here
Scarf: Mc.Queen
Boots: Stone Creek
Coat: Here

Photos by : Veres Krisztian

Stock Hot Favs at holidays~ ~
18 hotties, every piece limited at 50 units
Sweeties, go!>
Opportunity knocks once!
*** Discount coupon (up to 90% off) are also offered here >

Fashion Fridays


Right now I am in bed, with a stupid flu that makes me feel so weak and the thing I hate most is that I  can't do much around. Damn! Anyway, my work is over. Tree done, cookies done, food done, presents wrapped and unwrapped already. So I can start relaxing by doing nothing...
Here are some pictures from the fair , two interview I did then, and a short making of from the shooting we did Monday.
I almost forgot: 

In momentul asta sunt in pat pentru ca m-a luat o raceala faina, ma simt groaznic si cel mai nasol e ca nu pot pot face mare lucru, nu am simt in stare. Oricum, bradul e gata, mancarea de gata, prajiturile si cadourile impachetate si deschise deja asa ca pot sa incep sa nu fac nimic si sa ma relaxez.
Va las cu cateva poze de la targ , doua interviuri si un mic making of de la ultima sedinta foto de luni.
Era sa uit: Craciun Fericit!




Rudolf the red nosed reindeer


 Yes, I am Rudolf because my nose is really red thanks to the flu that I am trying to fight, not so much fun.
 I love the fact that we don't have snow right now(yes, I know you all hate me for this) but there is snow up in the mountains and you can go and visit it there if you want. So my Christmas is Merry even if I feel like shit. Time for my family, for relaxing and just chilling around, all that I needed! I hope you are enjoying youself aswell, so I wish you Happy Holidays! I will be back with a lace earring tutorial very soon, in time for the New Year's Eve party.

Da, sunt Rudolf pentru ca chiar am nasul rosu de la raceala simpatica ce nu ma lasa in pace, si nu e distractiv deloc. In schimb ma bucur ca nu avem zapada(stiu ca ma urati pentru asta), dar totusi la munte e zapada si o puteti vizita acolo. Craciunul meu e chiar unul fericit, am timp pentru mine, pentru familie, relaxare, exact ceea ce imi doream mai mult. Sper ca si voi va simtiti bine , si va doresc inca o data Sarbatori Fericite! Voi reveni curand cu tutorialul promise,in timp util pentru petrecerea de Revelion.!

 Cape: local handmade shop
Jumper: random brand
Skirt: Here
Boots: Here

photos by Veres Krisztian

FURtastic jacket


 I fell in love with this jacket since the first moment I saw it on Choies and I clicked it right away.I find it perfect for this season and I keep wearing it almost daily.
 I also ordered a pair of boots with a similar design  because the tapestry fabric  got me addicted in having more. I bet they will look really cool in summer too, with distressed shorts and simple tops, don't you?

Eu m-am indragostit de jacheta asta de prima data cand am vazut-o pe Choies si am comandat-o instant. Mi se pare perfecta pentru acest sezon si o port aproape zilnic. Pentru ca mi-a placut mult materialul, mi-am comandat si o pereche de ghete asemanatoare. Cred ca o sa arate super la vara cu blugi scurti. rupti si tricouri lejere, nu?

Get them here, on sale too!

 Jacket: Here
Jumper: Here
Jeans: Zara
Sneakers: Zara
Bag: Here

 Photos: Veres Krisztian

DIY Lace Earrings

 I'm back after a trip gone BAD... really bad. as in vomiting on the way up to the skiing slope. That never happend before in my life, but well, there is always a first. But from now on, I will never  be a backseat passanger again... I prefer driving myself anywhere. Besides all that, my cold is still here.... so I am fighting this too. I can't wait for this year to end, these past few days were too much for me....
Now for more interesting stuff, I got a new tutorial for you guys. Simple lace earrings that you can make under 5 minutes. Hope you like it, and I would appreciate your feedback on this.
 And the winners for the dressale giveaway are:  Calin Andreea Daniela and  Georgyaa Geoo

Am revenit dupa o excursie stresanta sa ii zic asa. Mi-a fost foarte rau , iar sus pe serpentine a trebuit sa oprim sa vomit...ceea ce nu mi s-a mai intampla niciodata in viata, si am mers ceva cu masina in diferite ocazii. Dar de acum inainte nu voi mai merge in spate ca pasager... prefer sa conduc eu ... Pe langa astea sunt tot racita si bag fructe, ceaiuri.... prefer sa nu iau medicamente.
Acum sa vorbim despre chestii mai interesante. Am pregatit un nou tutorial , de data aceasta e vorba de cercei din dantela. Simplu si rapid, sub 5 minute puteti face o pereche superba, chiar si pentru noaptea de revelion, aveti timp. Sunt curioasa daca va place.
Avem si castigatoarele concursului sponsorizat de dressale:
Calin Andreea Daniela si  Georgyaa Geoo


It's the BOOT season


This season is all about BOOTS.
I think these are my favorite types of shoes,  after sneakers of course.
I prefer lower heels just because I can’t really walk in tall heels and because they are more comfortable too. Combat boots, studded, anything with  metallic details I’ll just love.
Neutral colors mainly but I do love red, burgundy too, mostly because they are easier to mix and match. But let’s talk a bit about more styling ideas and possibilities.
Boots are very versatile if their design is simple, without many embellishments. On the other hand, you can make an outfit pop, if you pick edgier designs. So how do you pick you boots?
Here are some tips.
Neutral, comfortable, ankle boots would make your  legs look thinner, taller, perfect right?
You can wear them all year around. Spring/summer with cool shorts, loose T-shirts, shirts, casual dresses even. In autumn with a thick lace dress, and maybe a wool coat or leather jacket. Winter is all about keeping yourself warm. Jeans and a cool warm sweater, a fur hat and a woolen coat. Perfect investement!
Knee high boots are always sexy with short dresses, shorts, but don’t get too skimpy.
To spice up your outfit, get bold colors, prints, buckles etc. but keep your outfit simpler, don’t exaggerate. What will you pick?

 Products available on http://www.ericdress.com/

It's almost next year

 It's almost next year and still I can't believe how fast this year went by. It was full of ups and dows, but when I draw the line I feel acomplished. Now it's time or the last outfit for this year.This ocudl be an idea for a new year's party outfit up in the mountains if you want to stay casual. These metal studded boots are now my favorite, very cool and comfy, perfect for this cold weather. So I wish you a great day and  I'll be back  tomorrow with a new post. Meanwhile you should have a look at the offers Romwe 's got . Details below!

Acusi e anul viitor si totusi nu imi vine sa cred cat de repede a trecut. Plin de urcusiuri si coborasuri, dar dupa ce trag linia ma simt implinita. Acum e timpul pentru ultima tinuta din anul acesta , care poate fi potrivita pentru un revelion la munte , mai casual. Bocancii acestia sunt preferatii mei in acest moment pentru ca sunt super comozi, interesanti si perfecti pentru vremea de afara,. Revin maine cu o noua postare, asa de sfarsit de an. Pana una alta, Romwe a pregatit reduceri pentru a sarbatorii trecerea in 2014, eu zic sa vedeti ce oferte au.


 Sweatshirt: Here
Cardigan: Here
Shorts: Here
Boots: Here
Bag: Here
Hat: Local store

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

2014 First Big Sale ! Over 1000 winter styles!
Up to 70% off! Opportunity  knocks once! No restock once sold out!
Large amount of Spring new styles are coming soon!
Time: 12/31/2013 ~1/6/2014

Making of...Happy New Year

This is the last  post for this year!It;s been so overwhelming and yet wonderful. Thank you for being there for me all the way! I wish you a Happy new year full of joy, happiness and good health! May all your dreams come true!. I am leaving with a few pictures from our last shooting we did with Laura from Living in a shoe. More next year!

Ultima postare pe anu asta. A fost un an super plin, dar frumos, si va multumesc ca mi-ati fost alaturi in tot acest timp. Va doresc un an nou fericit  plin de bucurii, fericire si sanatate. Fie ca toate dorintele sa vi se implineasca. Va las acum cu cateva cadre din culisele celei mai recente sedinte foto cu Laura , Living in a shoe. 
Mai multe la anu!

Hair: Anto

Photos by B.A.D. style

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