Channel: Fashion blog and styling tips | Barar Adriana Delia fashion designer
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Artistic Event-Brad Iulian Illustrations

 Big day for Brad Iulian. He had his first exhibition yesterday at Zai Apres Cafe  which also had their 2 year aniversary ! So good luck for both!
Of course you know his art, he designed my fantastic blog banner! I got some snaps of a few illustrations he had posted up on the walls and I bet you all like them.
He wanted the event to be special, and it really was. The illustrations were based on 3 themes, comic books, floral and  masks. Besides the fact that he was surely overwhelmed  by the great feedback he got, Iulian said that the whole event was even better that imagined. 
We had so much fun, thanks for the invitation! You can admire more of his work here.

Ieri a fost o zi mare pentru Brad Iulian care a avut prima sa expozitie publica la Zai Apres Cafe, local care a sarbatorit tot ieri 2 ani de acivitate. Le doresc succes amandurora!
Bineinteles ca ii stiti deja o parte din lucrari, el mi-a creat acest minunat banner pentru blog. Cu aceasta ocazie , cei care nu au participat, pot vedea o parte din lucrarile lui aici in fotografii, dar in realitate sunt mult mai frumoase.
Mi-a spus ca si-a dorit un eveniment mai diferit , ceea ce a si fost. Ilustratiile au fost impartite in 3 teme: comic book, floral si masti. Inafara de faptul ca a fost coplesit de emotii, a reusit sa se bucure de un public calduros si feedback pozitiv. Iulian a marturisit ca evenimentul a fost peste asteptari, iar noi ne bucuram pentru el!
Ne-am distrat foarte bine, multumim de invitatie! II puteti admira lucrarile si aici.



Rowme is holding a pinterest event!  The winner will get $150 freebies. 
How to enter:
1. Follow http://pinterest.com/romweand create a new Board called "Romwe Wishlist". 
2. Pin Romweitems to your "Romwe Wishlist" Board and add #Romwe to every item you pin (PS:  this board can only contain items from Romwe and don’t repin items from other pinners.  Hope for your understanding.)
3. Send your "Romwe Wishlist" board link to pinterest@romwe.com 
Go: http://pinterest.com/pin/233202086927435911/

Romwe are un nou concurs pentru voi care se desfasoara pe Pinterest. Puteti castiga un voucher de 150$.
E foarte simplu sa participati:
1.Urmariti http://pinterest.com/romwe dupa care va creati un panou numit: Romwe Wishlist"
2. Adaugati produse din magazinul ROMWE pe acest panou: ROMWE WISHLIST, punand #romwe la descrierea fiecarui produs.( panoul poate contine doar produse din magazinul romwe, nu se accepta repin de la alte persoane ) 
3. Trimiteti lnkul panoului vostru la  pinterest@romwe.com
Iar linkul ROMWE e:http://pinterest.com/pin/233202086927435911/

ROMWE dress

Shine ON!

 When I saw this dress on Romwe, I really had to have it. The simple cut and interesting sequin print make it perfect for summer, plus white looks great on tanned skin. I matched it with some comfy sandals I have since forever and a broad simple bracelet.
I also have a new giveaway planned for you starting tomorrow .
And by the way, did you enter the blogger program on my new website? Soon in english too.

Cand am vazut aceasta rochie pe Romwe m-am indragostit instant, trebuia sa o am. Croiala simpla si desenul simpatic din paiete discrete o face perfecta pentru vara, unde sa mai punem ca albu arata grozav pe pielea bronzata. Am asortat-o cu niste sandale super comode care le am de foarte mult timp si pe care le-am uitat in dulap, o bratara lata argintie si niste ochelari haiosi.
Maine pregatesc un nou giveaway pe blog!
Si apropo, v-ati inscris in programul pentru bloggeri de pe noul site

Sunnies/dress/bracelet: ROMWE
Shoes: random
Gold plate bracelet: B.A.D. style

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

Oasap Giveaway!


 Here is a funky giveaway sponsored by Oasap.com
It starts at midnight tonight.
You can win your favorite item from the list below.
All you have to do is follow the instructions in the widget and you are in.. Don;t forget to leave a blog comment with your email and name so that we cand contact you if you win. Also share on facebook to get more entries.
It ends on 27.05. 2013
10 days
Have a great day!

Un nou giveaway sponsorizat de cei de la Oasap.com
Incepe la miezul noptii.
Puteti castiga unul din produsele de mai jos , la alegere.
Tot ce trebuie sa faceti e sa urmariti instructiunile din aplicatia de mai jos.
Nu uitati sa lasati un comentariu cu numele complet si adresa de email sa va putem contacta.
Pentru sanse extra, dati share pe facebook la concurs.
O zi frumoasa!
 Se termina in data de 27.05.2013
dureaza 10 zile.



Get your favorite item for only 9,99$ at ROMWE


 Great news dears! Romwe just got a special catalogue with items that cost only 9.99$! Funky accessories and more. Have a look!
$9.99 for any piece!! 300+ wishlist styles
Available now! Limited supply. No restocking once sold out!

Super evsti! Romwe a lansat un catalog cu produse la preturi mici, doar 9.99$ .
Accesorii cool si multe altele! Aruncati o privire!
Stoc limitat! 

Weekend fun

The weekend is over and a new week just started. I must say this weekend was a blast! Celebrated my B-day on Friday with my closest friends and family. On Saturday we went for a visit over to some friends and had a delicious  fruit salad and brownies. Sunday was all about working out while having fun. Around 17 km of cycling around the city and into the woods.Stopped for a cookie and ended up resting at Starbucks! Now that's what I call a great weekend!
And now for some good news: Romwe has a Flash sale planned for the next three days. Up to 80% off for over 200 styles!

Limited supply!  No restocking once sold out!  Only 3 days! 
Hurry up ! you might not get what you want ; http://www.romwe.com/manage_activity/Outlet-Flash-Sale/
From May 21st to 23rd.

S-a terminat weekendul si a inceput o saptamana noua! A fost un weekend pe cinste! Vineri mi-am sarbatorit ziua de nastere cu familia si prietenii apropiati.Sambata am mers in vizita la niste prieteni unde am mancat negrese si o salata de fructe delicioasa .Duminica a fost rezervata miscarii. In jur de 17 km pedalati cu spor zic eu:P Mici opriri  pe parcurs dupa care ne-am relaxat la Starbucks. Asta numesc eu un weekend reusit!
Si acum sa vad niste vesti bune! Cei de la Romwe au pregatit 3 zile de super reduceri la peste 200 de produse. Stoc limitat~! Ar trebui sa va grabiti!http://www.romwe.com/manage_activity/Outlet-Flash-Sale/

B-day Outfit

 This outfit is actually what my Boyfriend picked out for me, part of my B-day present. I really love this urban safari vibe, both comfortable and chic. Don't you think he's got good tastes? All the items are very versatile and easy to mix and match, but my favorite are the nude sandals which are also comfortable .
The flowers I got from my dad, a super huge colorful bouquet, my favorite:D
Really busy these days, so sorry for the short posts.

Aceasta tinuta a fost aleasa de prietenul meu, fiind o parte din cadoul de ziua mea. Imi place foarte mult inspiratia safari cu tenta urbana, fiind si comfortabila si chic in acelasi timp. Nu credeti ca are gusturi bune? Toate piesele sunt usor de asortat, foarte versatile, dar cred ca mie cel mai mult imi plac sandalele, care sunt si comfortabile.
Acest  buchet imens si colorat l-am primit de la tata, e preferatul meu:D.
Imi pare rau ca postarile sunt scurte, dar e o perioada aglomerata si nu prea am timp din pacate.

Top: Bershka
Shorts: Stradivarius
Shoes: Zara
Watch: Michael Kors
Sunnies: Ray-Ban
Bracelets: B.A.D. style

 Don't forget about the OASAP giveaway!

Ready for summer?BEAUTY tips


 Ready for summer? Here are some tips for you. To get a cool even tan, you should have clear skin. Scrubs are great but exfoliants can do wonders. I got some new beauty products from  ELEMENTAL. They have the best natural products on the market. I got Lactic acid, AHA and BHA . I will aslo try soon to make myself a sun cream and  under eye concealer. What is so great about their website, you have tons of recipies for different kinds of products you can make yourself, even make-up and perfums. I suggest you have a look over there , you will fall in love!

I just made myself some lotions with what I got, can;t wait to tell you about the results.
Have you ever made yourself beauty products?What do you recommend?

 Romwe changed the rules a bit so that anyone can  get to win a pair of leggings. Check out their Instagram account and see how you can get your hands on some cool stuff. The rules are posted here! Good luck darlings.

2. Post with @romwe #romwemay “I’m xxx(name), I’m in xxx(city), I wear Romwe leggings”  on Instagram
3. Mark your location
4. Follow Romwe on Instagram
5. Expired time: 06/09/2013
Check the contest (@romwe) you will know how to join:

Sunteti pregatite pentru vara? Va dau cateva ponturi folositoare sper. Pentru un bronz unifrom pielea treabuie sa fie si ea destul de curata, unifroma. Scruburile sunt foarte bune, dar exfoliantele fac minuni. Eu tocmai mi-am luat de la ELEMENTAL niste produse .Ei au cele mai bune materii prime naturale cu care iti poti face sute de produse. Eu mi-am luat acid lactic, BHA si AHA. O sa incerc sa imi fac si o crema de plaja si un corector de ochii, dar intai sa vad ce reusesc cu lotiunile preparate. Ce e super grozav, pe site sunt foarte multe retete pentru o sumedenie de produse, chiar si parufmuri sau machiaje. Eu zic sa va uitati.
Sper sa revin curand cu impresii si sa va spun ce efecte au.
Voi ati incercat sa va faceti produse cosmetice? Ce recomandati?  

Romwe a schimbat putin regulile concurului desfasurat pe contul lor de instagram pentru ca toti sa poata participa. Gasiti acolo detalii despre cum puteti pune mana pe niste colanti super cool. http://instagram.com/p/ZnB99AP1dH/


Dreaming of summer.....


 We are having bad weather right now and I can't help myself thinking of the summer days. 

Trying to get in the mood, I clicked some items perfect for hot days, one of them being this orange set.
What do you think?
Romwe just got a 20 % super sale for selected summer items.
Don't forget about the OASAP GIVEAWAY! it ends on the 27 th.
Have a great day!

Vremea e destul de aiurea si nu pot sa nu ma gandesc la zilele calduroase de vara.
Incercand sa intru in atmosfera de vara mi-am comandat cate piese perfect pentru caldura de afara(ce inca o asteptam). Printre acestea este si acest set .Va place?

Romwe are zilele acestea 20% reducere la produsele selectionate. Eu zic sa profitati.
Nu uitati de concursul sponsorizat de OASAP, se termina in 27 mai,
O zi frumoasa!

1.       20% off selected items
2.       Date: 05/25/201305/27/2013

Get comfy with cool leggings

It's time to get comfy with some cool leggings. Romwe has another cool sale for 3 days!
Get any pair for 19.99$
Follow the link and the score your favorite design! Hurry up! 

E timpul sa ne imbracam comfortabil cu niste colanti super cool. Romwe are din nou oferte speciale timp de 3 zile.
Va puteti lua orice pereche de colanti la doar 19.99$ dolari, transport gratuit. 
Urmariti linkul si alegeti produsul preferat. Grabiti-va!

Summer curls and a wishlist

I want to tell you about a new shop I came over recently. Persunmall has some great stuff with super prices.
Take a look at my wishlist below, I think these are so cool for this season! Which is your favorite? I can't decide! But I would surely mix the US flag with the London top! Ironic and edgy.How about the accessories?Got your eyes on something?
I know that when I cut my hair, after some time, I said that was a bad idea. Now I want long hair,, well it does not grow that fast, but I can always use a trick. Hair extensions with clips. Easy to put on, easy to take off. What do you know, Choies has a giveaway for you guys where you can win some extensions. Have a look Here

Sorry for the lack of outfit posts, but I am redecorating massively, I mean getting walls down and I can't find the time to take pictures. But I will be back soon! 

Vreau sa va spun despre un nou magazin online care l-am gasit de curand. Persunmall are chestii foarte misto la preturi accesibile. Eu mi-am facut un wishlist destul de stufos, nu pot sa ma hotarasc . Cu siguranta o combinatie simpatica , usor ironica ar fi topul LONDON cu blugii imprimati cu steagul Americii,dar mie imi place maxim. Ce ziceti de accesorii? V-a facut ceva cu ochiul?

Dupa ce m-am tuns, la ceva timp dupa, mi-a parut rau. Vreau par lung din nou, dar din pacate nu creste asa usor , asa ca singura varianta ar fi un truc simplu. Extensii cu clips, usor de pus, usor de dat jos.Si, inca o veste buna, Choies va da sansa sa castigati un set de extensii.Mai multe info aici!

Imi cer scuze ca nu am mai postat tinute in ultimul timp, dar nu reusesc sa fac poze pentru ca sunt in plin proces de renovare masiva, daramat ziduri si chestii de acest gen. Dar revin curand.

Choies Giveaway!

http://www.choies.com/activity/hair_extensions_giveaway?utm_source=blog&utm_medium=shi&utma _campaign=hair+extension

New In-preview

I got some new jewelry from Bellast but didn't have the chance to post proper pictures. Here is a little teaser instead. Are you curious what I got? I  will just say it is a ring and a chain bracelet, elegant and classy.
Fresh news from Romwe:7 days of sales for over 1000 selected items starting on the 1st of june/ Follow the link and get ready for summer. I picked some items myself. What will you get?

Am primit de curand ceva nou de la Bellast, dar din pacate nu am apucat sa le fotografiez frumos, insa am pregatit un mic teaser. Sunteti curiosi? Va zic doar ca e vorba de un inel si o bratara, simple si elegante.
Avem vesti bune de la Romwe. Reducerile continua. Din 1 iunie pana in 7, peste 1000 de produse reduse cu pana la 70%. Eu mi-am ales cate ceva deja. Voi? Urmariti linkul si... Spor la cumparaturi~!

I will blow you a kiss


Bad weather here, so excuse the lack of outfit posts. This was taken a week ago, in between rain showers. I really hope the sun will come out soon!
Here is my new skirt from Romwe that I really love, very girlish and playful and the super cool top from Kiaari, that  I got for my B-day. Don't you love the print? It;s handpainted! Check out her designs here!
Surprises soon!!

Vremea e cam nasoala, asta justifica faptul ca nu am prea postat tinute in ultimul timp. Acestea au fost facute saptamana trecuta intre doua ture de ploaie. Sper ca soarele va iesi curand ca deja a prea mult:(
Sa va prezint noua mea fusta de la ROMWE, foarte simpatica zic eu, si tricoul primit de ziua mea de la Kiaari. Va place imprimeul? E pictat manual! Ii puteti vedea creatiile aici!
Surprize in curand!

Skirt/necklace/bracelet: Romwe
Boots: Stone Creek
Bracelet: B.A.D.style

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Giveaway from Persunmall

A new giveaway sponsored by Persunmall.
Pick your favorite jewelry!

 Here is a list of things you need to do:

1. Register at http://www.persunmall.com/ 
2. Like our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/PersunMall

3. Leave a comment stating the registered email, name, the item link you like (the one you registered on Persunmall with) 
4. Share this giveaway on your social media(e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, , Personal Blog) and post your comments with the shared link (for verification).
5. Like my facebook page BADSTYLE
6. Follow my blog via GFC or Bloglovin

Winners and Prizes: 

1. We choose one winner from every 30 participants, which means a winner out of 30 participants, two winners from 60 participants. So there must be at least 30 participants, or the giveaway will be cancelled. So don't forget to spread this GIVEAWAY on your social media! 
2. Winners will be announced on PERSUNMALL OFFICIAL PAGE on 25, June. 
PersunMall marketing team will contact winners by email, so be sure to check back then after you enter!
3. For winners, they will be allowed to choose one of the following items: 
1. Exquisite Flowers Ring 
2. White Rose Ring 
3. Punk Rhinestone Bracelet 
4. Stylish Spider Pendent Necklace 
5. Europe Retro Rhinestone Link Bracelet 
6. Elegant Big Gem Ring 
7. Stylish and Simple Bracelet 
8. Stunning Summer Necklace

Read carefully
1. The validity of activity: June 1,2013 - June 23,2013
2. Participants who shared more links than others will have more chance to be chosen as the winners. 
3. Those who have ever registered at persunmall are not allowed to join this giveaway. 


Un nou giveaway de la Persunmall de data aceasta.
Va puteti alege premiul dintre cele expuse mai jos.

Ce trebuie sa faci:

Inregistreaza-te pe http://www.persunmall.com/
2. Like paginii de Facebook http://www.facebook.com/PersunMall
3. Lasa un comentariu cu e-mail-ul folosit pentru inregistrare, numele tau si bijuteria preferata din cele de mai jos.
4. Like paginii mele de Facebook BADSTYLE
5. Urmariti blog-ul meu via GFC sau BLOGLOVIN

1. Se va alege cate un castigator la fiecare 30 de participanti, ceea ce inseamna 1 castigator din 30 de participanti, 2 castigatori din 60 de participanti. Ca giveaway-ul sa fie valid, trebuie sa fie minim 30 de participanti, altfel giveaway-ul va fi anulat.
2. Castigatorii vor fi anuntati pe 25 iunie pe PERSUNMALL OFFICIAL PAGE. PersunMall va contacta castigatorii prin e-mail, asa ca nu uitati sa verificati daca sunteti castigatori!
3. Castigatorii isi vor putea alege 1 premiu din cele de mai jos:
1. Exquisite Flowers Ring 
2. White Rose Ring 
3. Punk Rhinestone Bracelet 
4. Stylish Spider Pendent Necklace 
5. Europe Retro Rhinestone Link Bracelet 
6. Elegant Big Gem Ring 
7. Stylish and Simple Bracelet 
8. Stunning Summer Necklace

1. Durata concursului:1 iunie 2013 - 23 iunie 2013
2. Participantii care dau share mai multor link-uri au mai multe sanse de castig.
3. Cei care sunt inregistrati deja pe persunmall nu se mai pot inscrie.

Bellast preview

It's all about nude


 Here I am back. I bet you missed me, I know I missed you my dear readers.
Because we are all going to weddings, parties and other special events, I think a special BAD style look would be apropriate right now.
Here is my suggestion. A nude dress with handpainted sides and gold leather inserts .Simple, classy easy to match. I picked nude shoes from Zara and a studded clutch. The spice is by picking the right jewelry and I tell you Bellast has the best selection for awesome prices. Gold plated jewelry with stunning details and unique designs. I picked a chain pave bracelet that is plated with 18k gold. The silver ring with a matte and shiny finish , a clear crystal has a simple cut that makes it even more elegant.And what is ever better, the prices are super low for such beautiful pieces of jewelry. You must have a look, I know my wishlist just got full!
I think the bracelet is my favorite right now. Worn on it's own, it gives the look a classy touch; you don't need more jewelry to match for a formal outfit. For a day outfit, layer it with other colorful bracelets and get a cool arm party for a fun look. The ring screams less is more , don't overcrowd your fingers.
So what do you need for a formal look? A great dress with a simple cut. Add some cool jewelry, not too much, a statement bracelet like mine from Bellast and a simple ring. I always need to add some red, fingers, toes lips, you name it! Be bold, be BAD, be beautiful!

M-am intors ! Sunt sigura ca v-a fost dor de mine ,mie cel putin mi-a fost dor de voi, cititorii mei dragi.
Pentru ca sunt sigura ca toate avem acum evenimente la care suntem invitate si e normal sa vrem sa  aratam foarte bine, m-am gandit ca e timpul pentru o tinuta BAD.
Ce propun eu? O rochie nude cu detalii pictate manual si insertii de piele, sandale nude si un plic cu tinte. Ii dam personalitate tinutei prin detalii.Bijuterii finute sau nu neaparat, doar ca trebuie alese cu gust. Eu am asortat o bratara placata cu aur de 18K si decorata cu cristale primita de la Bellast si un inel argintiu. Cred ca bratara este preferata mea in acest moment. Imi place ca e destul de masiva, dar totusi eleganta. Pentru o tinuta de seara ajunge sa o purtam singura, poate chiar si cu inelul, dar pentru o tinuta de zi, ne putem juca adaugand si alte bratari colorate pentru un efect funky. Recapitulam? O rochie simpla intr-o culoare neutra la care adaugam accesorii care ne reprezinta ca stil, dar sa nu exageram. Mai mult inseamna mai putin cand e vorba de o tinuta eleganta. Eu trebuie neaparat sa adaug putin rosu, pe unghii, pe buze.
Ce parere aveti?

Clutch: Meli Melo
Gold pave bracelet and silver ring: Bellast
BAD plate bracelet: B.A.D style
Sandals: ZARA

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Spice it up! Get some hot accessories

 I know you love accessories as much as I do so here are some great news.
Romwe is holding a fling sale. Just fall in love with your favorite items and get them for as low as 1.99$!
I  have my eyes on some awesome items! What will you get?

 Stiu ca iubiti accesoriile la fel de mult ca mine, asa ca sunt bucuroasa sa va dau o super veste.
Romwe a pregatit super reduceri la bijuterii. Trebuie doar va indragostiti de produsele din magazint si le puteti avea la preturi foarte bune, incepand de la 1.99$
Eu am pus ochiipe cateva.Voi ce va luati?

Easy shopping for special events

 Dressing up with much money is easier, but a great outfit does not depend on the amount of money you spend. Here are some great tips for you. Get funky accessories with interesting details. You find cheap ones but the ones that look expensive. Clutches can spice up any ordinary look. Keep the dress simple, no glitter and complicated details, and go for s statement shinny bag. Rhinestones, glitter or metallic details, be bold.
Picking the right dress for a special event could be tricky especially if you want it cheap too. But there is always a solution. Go for lace or chiffon, with a simple cut or a bold color. Small details can make a big difference, like cutout patterns or a texture mix can make you stand out.
  The most important thing is to wear something that you feel good in, because if you feel uncomfortable, it shows and that ruins any perfect outfit. You can find all the items posted here on http://www.dyfashion.ro
Have fun shopping!

Sa te imbraci bine cu multi bani e foarte simplu, dar pentru a compune o tinuta superbai  nu e neaparat nevoie de o suma mare. Am niste sfaturi pentru voi. Accesoriile pot scoate din anonimat orice tinuta simpla. Alegeti bijuterii funky, cu detalii interesante,dar aveti grija ce alegeti, sa nu arate ieftin. Gentile  pot aduce un plus de stralucire, astfel rochia trebuie sa ramana simpla, fara sclipiciuri si detalii complicate. Texturi stralucitoare, strasuri si aplicatii metalice, fiti creative.
Alegerea rochiei perfecte pentru un eveniment special poate fi complicata, mai ales daca bugetul e redus, dar tot timpul se gaseste o solutie. Alege  dantela sau chiffon, o croiala simpla si poate chiar o culoare tare. Detaliile mici fac diferenta, ca si o combinatie de texturi sau decupaje .Cel mai  important lucru este sa purtati ceva comfortabil pentru ca o tinuta incomoda va da de gol si astfel se distruge orice imagine perfect construita.
Produsele prezentate si multe altele la preturi la fel de bune pot fi gasite pe http://www.dyfashion.ro
Spor la cumparaturi!

T-shirt design contest +super SALES!


 Hello, hello. Sorry for the lakc of posts again, but I can't really find the time to post so much:( I hope I will be back on schedule soon. I have some news for you guys.
First, here is a contest I entered with some T-shirt designs. Vote for me if you like them. If I win I will be able to send you guys some Tshirts too, maybe hold a giveaway with the winning design. So please help me win. mine are numbers: 009 and 010. Hope you like them! Here is the link to the contest http://www.choies.com/activity/t_vote
Thanks! I hope I win:D

And some great news from Romwe.Pre-celebrating the 4th of July, they are holding a super sale. On the 11 th to the 15 th , super prices for awesome  items.Get them while you still can!.

Am revenit dupa o mica pauza din cauza faptului ca nu am avut timpul necesar sa pregatesc un material pentru blog. Sper ca in curand sa fiu in grafic cu treaba si sa ajung la zi si cu blogul.
In primul rand va anunt ca particip la un concurs organizat de Choies, -design de tricou. Daca va plac ideile mele, va rog sa ma votati, numarul 009 si 010. Daca castig o sa impart cu voi cateva tricouri cu designul castigator.  Sper sa va placa! Aici e linkul concursului.

Multumesc, Sper sa castig!:D

Inca cateva vesti bune. Romwe organizeaza o perioada de oferte pentru a sarbatorii  in avans, 4 Iulie. Intre 11 si 15 Iulie , super preturi pentru multe produse cool din magazin. Cumparati cat mai aveti ocazia.

Ain't no sunshine when he's gone

 It's been raining for the past few days.. and I really hate it. I miss going out for walks , eating icecream and drinking limo at the terrace... Really now, Summer where are you? Here I was sporting a comfy outfit, with acid washed jeans, statement sneakers and acool top designed by me. Got some cool stuff ready for you, very very soon. Until then, do you want to be a BAD style trendy blogger? Check out the details on the website.
Have an awesome evening!

De cateva zile ploua si soarele se lasa intimidat ,si fuge, se tot ascunde de noi. Oare unde o fi vara?Mi-e dor sa merg la plimbare, la inghetata, sa stau la o terasa. Aici inca era vremea frumoasa si m-am echipat intr-o tinuta comoda . Blugi cu aspect uzat, tenisii mei preferati si un tricou cool creat de mine. Am niste chestii misto pregatite pentru voi, foarte curand o sa si  aflati despre ce vorbesc. Pana atunci, vreti sa faceti parte din echipa de bloggeri BAD style? Detalii pe site.

O seara frumoasa!

Jeans: vintage
Sneakers: Giuseppe Zanotti
Handbag: Choies
Watch/bracelet: Fossil

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Don't stop at red


 Finally some sunshine, perfect for  skirts. I just got this lace dress from romwe and decided to go for a hippie inspired look.  Mixed it with a leather fringe jacket , studded belt and boots.  Just to add some diversity, I matched my favorite leopard bag . Got a new haircolor  too:P do you like it?

In sfarsit a iesit soarele putin, perfect pentru fuste si rochii. Tocmai am primit rochia aceasta de la Romwe si ma gandeam sa compun o tinuta usor hippie. Am combinat-o cu o geaca de piele cu franjuri si cizme. Pentru putina diversitate, am asortat geanta mea preferata cu imprimeu de leopard. Mi-am schimbat si culoarea parului intre timp. Va place?

 Dress: Romwe
Jacket: Stradivarius
Bag: random
Boots: Random
Sunglasses: Romwe

 Photos by Veres Krisztian

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