Channel: Fashion blog and styling tips | Barar Adriana Delia fashion designer
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Reinventing Yourself


 I believe that beauty is within the details and that is really an easy way to reinvent ourselves with not such a big investment. Here is my new old hat that my mom used to wear when she was younger.
 I just sew on a chunky chain on and make it similar to the one at zara with much less money invested. I will also post a DIY on this project. 
And because the cold is really challenging me I got a new cozy jacket, sweater and boots. 
I will be back with few surprises for you. 
Have a great day!

Cred ca frumusetea sta in detalii si noi ne putem folosi de acest lucru pentru a ne reinventa in mod constant, fara a investi mult. Aici am purtat noua mea palarie veche pe care mama mea o purta cand era mai tanara. Am cusut un lant mai gros ai acum e similara cu cea de la zara , dar investitia e mult mai mica. voi posta si tutorialul acestui proiect.
Si pentru ca frigul ma provoaca zilele astea, mi-am achizitionat o jacheta groasa, un pulover si niste ghete.
Voi reveni cu surprize!
O zi frumoasa!


 Hat: mom's old hat DIY chain
Sweater: Levi's
Jacket: Denim Co
Jeans: Vintage
Watch: Calvin Klein
Bracelets, ring: random, B.A.D. style hex nut bracelet and brass engraved plate
Handbag: Pull and Bear
Boots: Custom made

DIY chain fedora hat

 I am back with the tutorial I told you about. Here is how I did my own chain fedora hat that is similar to the one zara, but this way you will save some money  that you can use to buy something you can't really make.
All you need is a simple hat, in any color , I wanted mine black , some chain, pliers, thread and a long needle.You should measure your hat first so that you know how much chain you need.
Start by sewing the chain to the hat getting every 3-4 mails so that you ensure a good fix. You can also pin it first , it could be easier..
Once you get to the end, get the pliers and detach  some mails so that it would be an exact fix.
That's all!
Easy, fast, cheap.
Would you try it?

Am revenit cu tutorialul promis si va dezvalui felul in care am reusit eu sa imi fac palaria sa fie similara cu cea de la zara. In acest fel reusiti sa economisiti niste banii cu care puteti cumpara ceva ce chiar rnu puteti face singuri.
Aveti nevoie de o palaria, orice culoare, eu am vrut neagra, un lant destul de lat, patent, ata si ac de cusut.
Incepeti prin a coase lantul de palarie fixand tot a 3-4 za pentru ca lantul sa stea egal peste tot. Se poate prinde in prima faza doar cu ace, ar putea fi mai usor de cusut. 
Cand ati ajuns la capat luati patentul si inlaturati cate zale e nevoie pentru ca lantul sa fie fix.
Si e gata!
Simplu, ieftin si rapid.
Ati incerca?

New Giveaway+New Blog

Have you seen my new blog?
New things are always good, changes also, so let's celebrate! I am giving you the chance to win this beautiful necklace with , spikes, jade beads and a Swarovski crystal pendant. And a personalised bracelet like the one below, with you name on it and thread color that you choose.
All you have to do is:

1. Like my facebook page
2. Follow my blog through bloglovin or  GFC
3. Leave a comment with your email and full name
The giveaway will end on 12 th of November 24:00.
The winner will be picked at random by random.org.
Good luck!
  Ati vazut noul meu blog?
Schimbarile si lucrurile noi sunt mereu bine venite, asa ca haideti sa sarbatorim! Puteti castiga acest colier superb cu tepi, margele de jad si un pandantiv Swarovski. Dar si o bratara personalizata cu numele vostru, culoarea atei fiind aleasa de voi.
1. Da dati like la pagina mea de facebook
2. Sa imi urmariti blogul prinbloglovin sau GFC
3. Lasati un comment aici cu numele si adresa de email.
Concursul se termina in 12 Noiembrie ora 24:00.
Castigatorul va fi ales  prin random.org

Making of...Urban Fashion


 Here we are back with a new photoshoot. 
We did a funky, playful shoot styling some urban outfits with edgy combinations. I know that not all of you will like this particular style, but maybe I can convince you it's good to experiment and find your own style.
Until I wil show you the final shoots, Here is the making of.
What do you think?

The team: 

Ne-am intors cu o sedinta foto interesanta, chiar distractiva as putea spune. Tinute cu influenta urbana si detallii usor extravagante care probabil nu vor fi pe gustul tuturor, dar poate va conving ca e ok sa experimentati , poate chiar sa va intreceti limitele personale pentru a va gasi stilul .
Pana cand va voi arata fotografiile finale va las cu un mic ..Making of....
Ce parere aveti?

*Don't forget about the GIVEAWAY!

*Nu uitati de CONCURS!

Photos by Bilootza Photography and Me

Unveiled 7


 Un eveniment fabulos la care din pacate nu pot ajunge.
Unveiled a ajuns la editia nr.7, iar in acest an Alina Cioara este si ea prezenta, ceea ce ma bucura foarte mult si ii urez succes!
Felicitari Alina!
Mai multe informatii despre eveniment aveti mai jos.

Printre designerii participanti la UNVEILED 7 amintim: Alina Cioara, Alina Craita, Anca Miron, Beliv, Bowtique, Carmina Cimpoeru, Coolta, Diana Flore, Diva Charms, Efectomatic, Fandacsia, Florentina Giol, Larisa Dragna, Les adorables, Loredana Nedelcu, Monella by Adriana State, passepartouS, Pompon, Rue9, Teodora Iustina Criclevitz, Veronica Frisan si Zenya Atelier.

UNVEILED 7 se va incheia cu un VIP Cocktail Party sustinut de Finlandia si Chambord, in prezenta designerilor, artistilor, vedetelor locale si sustinatorii modei tinere romanesti.

Parteneri media: THE ONE, InStyle, CSID, BeWhere, Dialog Textil, Zile&Nopti, FashionAndBeauty.ro, AloModa.ro, Bucharest-Style.com, Amelie.ro, AndreeaRaicu.ro, Catchy.ro, Dappergents.ro, Designist.ro, FashionavecPassion.com, HotCity.ro, Image Matters, Modernism.ro, Stylista.ro.

Mai multe informatii pe www.unveiled.ro si pe www.facebook.com/unveiled.ro.

Program: 17 Noiembrie, 11:00 – 19:00

Bilet de intrare: 10 lei

Changing colors

 I love that autumn days are all special, all different, colors turn from one shade to another as days pass, it is a very special feeling. Don't you just feel like borrowing fall's inspiration and wear her colors? 
I do! Nude and burgundy with animal print, perfect for a suny day in the wild wood.!
Have a great weekend start!

Imi place ca zilele de toamna sunt speciale, diferite; nuantele se schimba de la o zi la alta, e un sentiment special. Nu simtiti nevoia sa imprumutati culorile toamnei in tinutele voastre?
Eu da! Bej,bordo si imprimeu de leopard, combinatia perfecta pentru o plimbare in padurea salbatica!
Un inceput de weekend minunat va doresc!

 Jumper: H&M
Dress as skirt: B.A.D. style
Watch: Michael Kors
Jewelry: Asos
 Belt/scarf: vintage
Random leather boots

Photos by Veres Krisztian



 I am really surprised but also happy to annouce that the FW jewelry collection is sold out. 
The good thing is that you can still win 2 awesome pieces on the GIVEAWAY!
Have a great weekend!

Sunt placut surprinsa sa va anunt ca mini colectia de bijuterii este vanduta in totalitate.
Am si o veste buna, voi inca puteti castiga 2 piese simpatice din acea colectie participand la CONCURS!
Un weekend minunat va doresc!

Urban Fashion


So here it is!
Our latest project. I wanted to pick just a few pics, bould couldn't, so I will let you see many shoots and maybe you can help me pick the really good ones. I will be back with another post on this shoot , with fewer pictures and more details about the items, where you can buy them.
We wanted to depict urban fashion, with funky and playful items and accessories.
A woman that is not affraid of experimenting , mixing styles and being herself at the same time.
So what do you think?

Cel mai nou proiect al nostru este gata. Vroiam sa selectez doar cateva fotografii , dar nu am reusit sa ma decid si poate ma ajutati voi sa le aleg pe cele mai bune. Voi reveni cu inca o posarea pe aceasta tema, mai putin fotografii si mai multe detalii despre produsele prezente in sedinta foto.
Am pornit de la ideea modei urbane, accesorizand tinutele foarte colorate de altfel cu accesorii funky.
O femeia careia nu ii este frica sa experimenteze, sa combine stiluri si totusi in acelasi timp sa isi pastreze si personalitatea .
Va place?

 Photo: Bilootza Photography, Adriana Delia Barar
Model, Make-up: Kiaari Andreea
Styling: Adriana Delia Barar
Designs: Adriana Delia Barar and Kiaari Andreea
Assistant: Veres  Krisztian

You still have a few more hours until the GIVEAWAY ends at midnight!

Mai aveti cateva ore pana  se termina CONCURSUL!

Giveaway winner+Let's help!

 And here is the winner: Sandra Bendre! Congratulations! Send me an email and let me know what color you would like your bracelet to be and specify the engraving.
For all the others, stay tuned because until Christmas I will have a weekly GIVEAWAY for you all. I want to do this as a Christmas gift for as many of my readers as possible!

Si castigatoarea este : Sandra Bendre! Felicitari! Trimite-mi te rog un email in care sa spui ce nuanta vrei sa fie ata de la bratara si sa specifici ce doresti sa iti gravez pe placuta.
Pentru toti ceilalti, stati pe aproape ca voi reveni cu surprize. Pana de Craciun voi avea cate un concurs in fiecare saptamana deoarece vreau sa le  fac cititorilor mei cat mai multe cadouri cu ocazia Sarbatorilor.

Vreau sa va mai retin putin atentia pentru o mica problema.
Toti si toate cele care au un blog pot ajuta cu un simplu link, iar ceilalti prin donatii. Mai multe detalii AICI.
E un efort mic care pentru el conteaza foarte mult!

I Follow.....

Just to be up to date with my work you can follow me on these accounts! 
Have a great day!

Pentru  a fi la curent cu proiectele mele, ma puteti urmarii pe aceste platforme.
O zi frumoasa!


Making of...


So we spent our weekend working again on another project.Before I tell you all about it, you will get to see some behind the scenes shots.
I am very happy we got to work with  Ema again  because she is really beautiful and has great potential.
I hope you had a relaxing weekend and can now start working at full speed.
Have a great day!

Ne-a petrecut weekendul muncind cu spor la un nou proiect.. Dar pana sa va spun mai multe despre acesta va las cu cateva instantanee din culise.
Ma bucur ca am reusit sa lucram din nou cu Ema pentru ca e foarte frumoasa si are un potential imens,
Sper ca ati avut un weekend relaxant si puteti acum sa incepeti saptamana cu forte noi.

O zi frumoasa va doresc!

 Kiaari Make-up

In spike of the BAD weather


 In spike of the BAD weather, I mean in spite of the bad weather, things are really rolling well around here. So because of that I have been really busy and my blog updates were late, fact that will  probably happen again. I hope I can make it up to you with some great Giveaway prizes. 
Stay tooned! 
Have a great day, the weekend is close.

In ciuda vremii ciudate de afara lucrurile se misca foarte bine. Iar din aceasta cauza am fost  foarte ocupata ceea ce a determinat de fapt postarile mele intarziate si rare. Si este foarte probabil sa se intample cat de curand acelasi lucru.
Voi incerca sa ma revansez fata de voi cu cateva concursuri,
Stati pe aproape.
O zi frumoasa va doresc, mai a ales ca weekendul e aproape.

The Beauty


Let's and this week in style, B.A.D. style that is.
Here is our latest project " The Beauty".
You probably remember our model Ema?
We had a simple theme, a gorgeous woman in a simple elegant dress wearing just a statement piece of jewelry. This is really good  pick for the Holiday Season, being really elegant without  trying too hard.
Kiaari Andreea did a smokey make-up with  a bit of color and picked a more natural shade lipstick  just to emphasize the lip shape. We didn't want a specific location so we just went and stopped where we had a nice light. 
So what do you think?
You will be able to get this dress soon in an online store. I will be back with the info.

Eu zic sa terminam saptamana cu stil .
Va prezintazi cel mai recent proiect al nostru " The Beauty"
Cred ca va aduceti aminte de Ema.
Am ales o tema simpla, vroiam sa prezentam o femeie frumoasa care reuseste sa arate foarte bine fara mult efort. O rochie simpla , eleganta  sexy fara a fi vulgara. Am ales ca si accesorii 3 bratari din perle albe si un accesoriu statement pentru par din cristale, perle , tepi si lant auriu. Tinuta poate fi foarte usor adaptata pentru petrecerile de Sarbatori, cu o capa de blana deasupra, simplu si de efect.
Kiaari Andreea a ales un machiaj intens, smokey adaugand si putina culoare. Rujul a ales sa fie natural in nuanta buzelor ei, cu acesta doar conturand mai bine forma gurii.Nu vroiam o locatie anume, am pornit la drum in cautarea unei lumini interesante.
Va place?
 Voi reveni cu detalii despre unde poate fi cumparata rochia, in curand.

 The team: 
Photo: Bilootza Photography and Adriana Delia Barar
Model: Ema

Embellished gloves

 Cold days ruin your plans of wearing your favorite jewelry? Why not try to get them on gloves. Here are some embellished gloves that really look great. Zara, Givenchy or McQueen? 
Well why don't you try to do your own. I will show you how, tomorrow on my blog. 
New DIY project coming up.

Zilele friguroase va strica planul de a purta bijuteriile preferate? De ce nu incercati sa le purtati peste manusi, sau chiar pe acestea.?
Am ales cateva modele dragute de manusi decorate care dupa parerea mea arata fabulos.
Zara, Givenchy sau  McQueen?
De ce nu incercati sa le decorati chiar voi? Va voi arata maine pe blog cum le-am facut eu.
Un nou proiect DIY!

DIY Embellished gloves


 So here is how I made my own embellished gloves similar to ones from yersterday's post.
I took some old gloves from granny's closet, textile color,a paint brush, some thread and neddle for sewing and rhinestones, spikes, pearls . 
You can actually pick any decorations you like and mix them up.
First I painted some abstract lines on each glove and let it dry. 
After that I glued the rhinestones, pearls and spikes as I wanted them to be later sewn; it's much easier to sew them after if they stay in place. 
So this is it. Very simple and original . What do you think?

Sa va arat cum mi-am facut eu manusile asemanatoare cu cele prezentate in postul de ieri.
Am luat niste manusi vechi din dulapul bunicii, vopsea pentru textile, o pensula, ata si ac de cusut, cristale, perle si tepi. Voi puteti alege practic orice decoratiuni doriti si sa le combinati dupa bunul plac.
Prima data am pictat modelul dorit si l-am lasat la uscat. Apoi am lipit decoratiunile sub forma dorita; e mai simplu de cusut odata ce stau lipite la loc.
Sigata! Foarte simplu si original. Va place?

80% off at Buytrends

 Get ready for St. Nicholas with some great shoes.!
They also have 80% offers so get them while you still can!
Here are some suggestions for you.
Which is your favorite?
I really love the first pair, rock chic.

Pregatiti-va pentru Mos Nicolae cu cizme noi!
Au oferte tentate cu reduceri de pana la 80%.
Deci ar trebui sa va grabiti .
Am cateva sugestii pentru voi, mie tare imi place prima pereche, roch chic.
Care sunt preferatele voastre?

New Giveaway feat. La Boheme

 As I was promising you here is a new Giveaway. You can win this unique blouse and necklace. 
For details check La Boheme's blog.
And By the way: Happy Birthday Mona!

V-am promis un nou concurs, de daat aceasta in colaborare cu La Boheme. 
Puteti castiga o bluza si un colier , ambele piese unicat.
Pentru detali, vizitati blogul : La Boheme.
La multi ani Mona!

Hello Sunny Day!

Hello everyone! I just got a huge energy boost because the sun is shining so nice and I got a lot of things to do. Don't forget about the Giveaway hosted on La Boheme!
Have a great day!

Buna ziua tuturor! Eu tocmai m-am umplut de energie pentru ca soarele straluceste si e o zi minunata azi ceea ce  ma va ajuta sa termin toata treaba cu mai mult spor.
Nu uitati de Concursul de pe blogul La Boheme.
O zi frumoasa va doresc!

Magazine Feature-B.A.D. style


 Here are my latest features in "Glamour" magazine and " Ce se intampla Doctore?"
I love how Oana Ionita looks  with the peplum jacket. It really emphasizes the style and feeling that I wanted to transmit.. Comfy, rocking-chic. Perfect combination!
And the golden leather vest can be actualy worn in some many ways. With jeans or even a long elegant silk gown. Be curageous!
Thank you for the support and positive feedback! I really appreciate this!
You can find these products online on Welovecouture.ro

Cele mai recente aparitii in revistele "Glamour" and " Ce se intampla Doctore?"
Imi place foarte mult cum arata Oana Ionita in sacoul cu peplum detasabil, s-a creat exact atmosfera si stilul gandit de mine cand am realizat aceasta piesa vestimentara.Comod, cu atitudine si foarte chic. Combinatia perfecta!
Iar vesta din piele naturala aurie poate fi purtata in numeroase feluri. Cu jeans, sau chiar peste o rochie lunga din matase. Fiti curajoase!
Multumesc mult pentru sustinerea si aprecierile pozitive trimise!
Puteti gasi produsele online pe Welovecouture.ro

A special Gift


I have a little surprise for you!
 I got many emails with questions about my diet, what I eat and if I can share recipies, so I decided to write a book, cook book that is. This will be a selection of my favorite recipies, most of which I "invented". A mix of lactoovovegetarian dishes, some raw, plus delicious low-fat desserts.
 Hopefully I will finish it before Christmas.
I hope you will enjoy it!

Am o mica supriza pentru voi! Pentru ca am primit mesaje de la voi referitor la dieta mea, ce mananc zilnic si daca va pot trimite retete, am decis sa scriu o carte, o carte de bucate bineinteles. Aceasta va cuprinde o selectie a retetelor mele favorite, majoritatea fiind chiar"inventate" de mine . O combinatie de mancaruri lacto ovo vegetariene, unele preparate raw, si deserturi light foarte delicioase
Incer sa o termin inainte de Craciun!
Sper sa va placa!

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