Zara Romania a lansat si magazinul online- o noua varianta de shopping- experienta mea
Din 2 Aprilie ne putem face cumparaturile de Zara si online, ceea ce ne aduce o serie de avantaje in plus.
Odata cu lansarea primisem si eu un voucher pentru cumparaturi. Zis si facut! A ajuns comanda repede la magazinul ales de mine(livrarea in magazin e gratuita) . Toate mi-au venit perfect inafara de ghetele alese. Cu toate ca eu imi cumpar incaltaminte online de mult timp, si mereu imi iau aceeasi marime,38, fara sa am vreo problema, de data asta nu s-a potrivit. Probabil din cauza calapodului. Pentru ca imi facea si piciorul sa para mare, si aratau ciudat mai ales ca eu sunt mica de inaltime, le-am schimbat. Adica m-am dus la magazin, am facut retur, si apoi mi-am comandat altceva, o pereche de tenisi.
Produsele alese de mine compun o tinuta basic, B&W , elemene care se pot reasorta cu haine pe care deja le am in garderoba.
In curand si o serie de tinute.
Voi ati cumparat online de la Zara?
Zara just launched it's online shop here in Romania,and on this occasion I got a shopping voucher.
Placed the order then waited just a few days until the parcel arrived at the nearest Zara shop. All the items fit me perfect , besides the boots. I have been shopping shoes online for a while now and I always got size 38 without any problems. Maybe they were too big because of the design, they even made my feet look huge, and as I am short, I exchaged them. Went to the store, returned the shoes and got another order. Sneakers this time. The products I chose are BW , basic items, so endless posibilities to mix and match.
Soon some looks on the blog.
What have you bought?