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Picking out suits for the groom


 Of course you've already got everything planned. Venue booked since 2 years ago, the flowers, menu, bridesmaids, music, dancers, and of course your dress, shoes, accessories, hair and make-up, bouquet, absolutely everything. But wait, didn't you forget anything?

Ooops, the groom.Unless he has a really great sense of style, he is probably lost in a big store with many suits, shirts, shoes and other accessories that he might have never thought of owning by now. And in the end he will just pick the black suit, because it's the safest  way to go.
I'm here to help a bit. Bonobos.com just got out the spring wedding collection that might interest you grooms and brides too of course. 
Don;t get me wrong, you should not pick your suit according to the decorations, just to get a hint of how great the shades might match.( show this to your future wife, she will understand)
Get a lightweight suit for a warm day, because it is very important to stay fresh and comfortable the whole day. Light colors will reflect light and the sun will not heat you up that much. 
Don't go neutral, just add some color even if it's just the side pocket napkin or the tie.
If you are in doubt, you should try to see what www.bonobos.com has to offer and that might just save your tail .

 Sigur ca deja ai totul planificat. Locatia e platita de acum 2 ani, menuil stabilit, muzica, aranajamentele florale, domnisoarele de onoare, dansatori si bineinteles rochia, parul ,machiajul si pantofii, totul pus la punct. Dar deja nu iese socoteala, nu ai uitat ceva? Un mire de exemplu?
Saracul, probabil e deja pierdut  printre produse in magazine imense cu sute de posibilitati nestiind ce sa aleaga, asta daca nu are un simt estetic extrem de dezvoltat....Si probabil pana la urma, alege costumul negru sau albastru inchis in cel mai bun caz ca doar e varianta cea mai simpla, merge la orice, nu?
 Sa zicem ca vin si eu in ajutor. Bonobos tocmai au lansat colectia de primavara si chiar daca nu ma dau in vant dupa costume, acestea chiar arata bine. 
Dupa imaginile de mai jos o sa credeti ca sustin asortarea mirelui cu aranjamentele florale si fata de masa.... , dar nu e asa. Am exemplificat cat de bine arata mixul de texturi si nuante, si ce variante de styling ar putea fi luate in calcul.  Pentru primavara -vara propun un costum dintr-un material usor, care are in compozitie fibre naturale pentru ca sa va puteti simti comod toata ziua(evident vorbesc cu mirii acum)
Nuantele deschise reflecat lumina, ceea ce inseamna ca soarele nu va v-a incalzii la fel de tare ca si intr-un costum de o nuanta mai inchisa.
Sa nu uitam detaliile, care pot fi colorate pentru un costum simplu, intr-o singura nuanta neutra poate fi chiar banal. Un servetel colorat, o cravata sau chiar camasa de o nuanta mai intensa poate fi o varianta draguta.
Daca totusi nu v-ati decis inca, aruncati o privire pe www.bonobos.com ca poate salveaza situatia si bugetul.

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