A spontaneous photoshoot at the Fashion Fridays Spring Fair. We didn't plan this at all, but as Denisa was there , Iulia got a cool make-up and then she said. Let's take some pictures! I gave her the only long dress I had there, and this was actually a wedding dress. These photos could be the statement that beautiful things shouldn't be complicated.
Am facut o sedinta foto spontana la targul de primavara Fashion Fridays . Nu am planuit nimic, dar cum Denisa era acolo, Iulia vroia sa se machieze, totul s-a legat. Brusc se hotarase ca vrea sa facem poze. I-am dat singura rochie lunga ce o aveam la targ, care de fapt e o rochie de mireasa.
Din fotografiile astea putem trage concluzia ca lucrurile simple, spontane sunt cele mai frumoase, nu trebuie sa ne complicam ca sa aratam bine.
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