They say winter will be here soon, winter as in snow all around the country but it wouldn't bother me if we would just skip to spring.
And because weekends are for relaxation( I will also keep that in mind this year), let's have a fun, relaxing Sunday with our family, friends, pets, anyone that makes us happy because the little things are the ones that really matter.
I also started a new collaboration, but more on that soon.
Have a great day!
La meteo se tot anunta ca vine iarna si la noi, de fapt zapada ca iarna oricum e prin definitie, dar pe mine nu m-ar deranja sa sarim direct in primavara.
Si pentru weekendurile sunt pentru relaxare(voi baga la cap si eu anul asta) eu zic sa ne distram, sa ne relaxam alaturi de familie, de prieteni,de oricine care ne face fericit pentru ca fericirea sta in lucruri marunte.
Am inceput si o noua colaborare, dar mai multe despre asta in curand.
O zi frumoasa!
Jumper: on sale Here
Vest: NewYorker
Boots: no name
Watch: Calvin Klein
Trousers: Here
Photos: Veres Krisztian