These past days are really hectic so not much time to elaborate posts. So I will leave you with my second outfit from my short trip to Wien.
Layering is the key to a cool outfit that also keeps warm. I am still wearing my favorite coat right now, it;s so simple and easy to match to almost any outfit.
Don't forget about the giveaway, you'vegot 24 h to enter.
Zilele acestea au fost super pline, si weekend la fel, pentru ca mergem la targ nu-i asa?
Asa ca pentru moment va las cu a doua tinuta din scurta mea excursie la Viena.
Pe frigul asta, singura solutie pentru o tinuta cool, dar care tine si de frig, iar cand intrii intr-un local sa nu mori de cald, este suprapunerea elementelor. Eu port tot paltonul simplu de la Romwe, mi se pare atat de versatil incat cred ca as putea sa fac nenumarate tinute in stiluri diferite la care sa il asortez.
Ah, si nu uitati de Concursul sponsorizat de Romwe.
Coat: Here
Shorts: Here
Cardigan: Here
Sweatshort: George
Scarf: Mc/Queen
Handbag: Aupie
Boots: Stone Creek
Photos by Veres Krisztian