Being good to everybody isn't always the best idea in life because you are taken for granted everytime anybody needs your help. Set your priorities and go for what you want to do, be the first on your own list, then see who deserves your attention and kindness.
Sometime a BAD attitude will take you a long way
You still have 2 more days to enter the GIVEAWAY
Cand esti bun cu toata lumea ajungi in situatia de a fi mereu persoana care sigur sare in ajutor, dar invers nu se aplica. Fa o lista de prioritati in care tu esti nr.1, si apoi restul, care merita atentia.
Din pacate cateodata o atitudine rautacioasa ajuta mai mult ...
Mai aveti 2 zile sa va inscrieti la CONCURS

Jacket: Here
Top: B.A.D. style
Skirt: Here
Bag: Mango
Photos by Veres Krisztian