Recently I bought a set of Crest Whitestrips Vivid 3D White to see if it really works. I know you have probably heard many things aboutthis product so I will cut to the chase. They really work, and the price is very good for the results it gives. But still you have to be careful if your teeth are sensitive.
Because I wanted to give you more proffesional advices, I asked my friend Iasmina to help. And here is some advice from her, as a proffesional.
- I personally tried CREST WHITE strips and I got similar results to some other bleaching tecniques used in the dental office.
- The only drawback in my opinion is that it takes longer to reach the desired result ( in the dental office about an hour at home in about 2 weeks ) .
- Another drawback is that it sensitizes teeth in some patients as more than the others, but for this we can use toothpaste for sensitive teeth (eg Sensodyne PRO enamel )
- Dental office Bleaching has the advantage that the effect lasts longer and more intense , the disadvantage is the high price ( somewhere around 200 - 250euro )
- Teeth are somewhat more susceptible to the same extent , but should be considered that home bleaching sometimes takes two weeks , while the office bleach is done in an hour, and let's say you have only 2 days of dental sensitivity this way.
- Regarding the degree of invasiveness ,I see them the same. , But in teh office we have a controlled environment and we take protective measures to cause as little damage to the enamel as possible
- Realistically speaking,whitening procedures are invasive and it;s not the best thing that you can do to your enamel , but as in everything else, excess is harmful.
- Keep teeth white after bleaching by using whitening toothpastes that have a coarse etxture, and I personally find that they also clean better , regular professional cleaning at the dental office ,and if having white teeth has become an obsession, give up coffee, wine red , tea and smoking.
Extra TIP: Use deep red lipstick with a blue undertone for whiter looking teeth .
Destul de recent mi-am cumparat un set de Crest Whitestrips Vivid 3D White sa vad daca functioneaza. Mi-a placut ideea de a-mi albii dintii acasa intr-un timp relativ scurt si la un super pret. Si chiar se vad rezultate, iar dintii nu s-au sensibilizat, totusi trebuie avut grija daca stii ca ai dintii sensibili. Iar pentru ca vroiam sa va aduc la cunostinta si parerea unui specialist, am rugat-o pe prietena mea Iasmina sa ne spuna parerea ei si sa ne dea cateva sfaturi.
- Eu personal am incercat benzile WHITE CREST si mi s-au parut ca au avut un rezultat comparabil cu anumite sisteme de albire din cabinet.
- Singurul inconvenient in opinia mea este ca dureaza mai mult pana se ajunge la rezultatul dorit (in cabinet o ora aprox si acasa aprox 2 sapt).
- Un alt inconvenient este ca se sensibilizeaza dintii, la unii pacienti mai mult de cat la altii, dar pentru aceasta putem sa folosim pasta de dinti pentru dinti sensibili (de ex SENSODYNE PRO SMALT)
- Albirea in cabinet are ca si avantaj ca efectul dureaza mai mult si mai intens, dezavantajul este pretul ridicat (undeva in jur de 200-250euro)
- Dintii se sensibilizeaza oarecum in aceeasi masura, dar trebuie luat in calcul ca albirea acasa dureaza 2 saptamani uneori, pe cand cea in cabinet o ora, si sa zicem ca suferi maxim 2 zile de sensibilitate dentara.
- In ceea ce priveste gradul de invazivitate, le vad la fel de invazive, dar in cabinet e un mediu controlat si se iau masuri de precatutie si protectie pentru a dauna cat mai putin smaltului.
- Realistic vorbind albirea e o procedura invaziva si nu e cel mai bun lucru care il poti face smaltului tau, dar ca si in orice, excesele dauneaza.
- Dintii se mentin albi dupa albire cu paste de dinti pentru albire pentru ca au o granulatie mai mare si mie personal mi se pare ca si curata mai bine; igienizari profesionale regulate, iar daca albul dintilor a devenit o mica obsesie, renunta la cafea, vin rosu, ceai si fumat.

Extra Tip: Folositi un ruj rosu cu tenta rece(albastruie) pentru ca dintii sa para mai albi.
Photos by Veres Krisztian