Here are my latest designs made for this cold weather. For both a casual, office or even elegant look.The fur cape can be mixed with jeans and high heeled shoes for a more comfortable look. Or with an elegant dress for the New Year's Eve party.
Both jackets made of wool blend and leather can be mixed in a casual outfit or an office look. Why not, even a more edgy elegant ensemble.
So which is your favorite?
You might remember the red jacket from here!
The products are available on
Cele mai recente creatii ale mele potrivite pentru vremea rece de afara. Se potrivesc atat unei tinute casual, office cat si unui look mai elegant.
Capa din blana merge asortata unei perechi de jeans si pantofi cu toc inalt pentru a obtine o tinuta eleganta ,dar comfortabila. Sau chiar cu o rochie de seara ,purtata in noaptea de Revelion.
Ambele jachete din piele si stofa bucle pot fi asortate intr-o tinuta casual sau chiar de birou. De ce nu si uneia mai elegante, usor indraznete datorita combinatiei de texturi.
Care este favorita voastra?
Cred ca jacheta rosie v-o amintiti de aici!
Produsele sunt disponibile pe