Not talking about driving today , but about changing seasons, priorities and going for the next level, evolving.
Right now I am having a really full period right now, with the new collection for the runway, a mini collection for online stores and the other orders for september weddings and special events. Designing some new coats and buying new equipment for the work studio. So much to do , so little time. And yes, I know I look very tired here, but this change of season, meaning from sunny to rainy , dull days isn't helping me and I can't seem to rest at night. I hope I can ge away for a few days and refuel fast.
Facebook contest (Romania only)
Nu vorbim acum de condus si schimbari de viteze, ci de schimbul de sezon, de prioritati si de urcarea la nivelul urmator pentru ca trebuie sa evoluam.
Acum e o perioada foarte plina de evenimente, terminarea colectiei noi, unei alte mini colectii pentru magazine online si terminarea comenzilor pentru luna septembrie. Pe langa astea, ma gandesc la niste jackete, paltoane faine pentru toamna-iarna pe care as vrea sa le creez si ce echipament nou sa iau pentru atelier, sa marim echipa. Sunt multe de facut si putin timp la dispozitie. Si stiu ca arat foarte obosita in poze, dar schimbarea de anotimp nu ma ajuta si nu dorm bine noaptea. Poate reusesc sa fug cateva zile, sa imi revin.
Avem si un concurs pe facebook.
Top: My design by Choies
Skirt: B.A.D. style
Necklace: Romwe
Rings: Bellast
Shoes:no name
Photos by Veres Krisztian