Done with your vacation packing? Not yet? Well then maybe my tips will help you make a better decision.
Besides all the beauty products you need, I know I pack a lot of them always, you just need only essential items with you. Don't get all your wardrobe in becaus eyou are going to relax and enjoy yourself, not for a runway show. Still you have to look good in order to feel good. Here are my suggestions.
Get colorful bathing suits, as many as you want, just be realistic about it, don't get 10 if you are only staying 7 days.
Denim shorts and top for your day outfits. Try to pick items you feel comfortable in, and focus on details.Like embellishments on the shorts, cut out details on tops, anything that makes you stand out(in a good way) but also is comfortable.
Chiffon dresses for long walks on the beach and 1 or 2 clubbing dresses(if you will go clubbing).Don't go overboard with packing , it is useless, just get what you know you will wear and have FUN!
So what will you pack?
Ati terminat deja cu bagajele pentru vacanta? Inca nu? Atunci poate sfaturile mele va vor ajuta sa luati o decizie mai simpla.
Pe langa toate produsele cosmetice de care aveti nevoie(eu tot timpul iau prea multe cu mine), incercati sa alegeti doar cateva piese esentiale, nu tot dulapul pentru ca mergeti sa va relaxati nu pentru a defila pe podium. Bineinteles ca trebuie sa si aratati bine ca sa va simtiti bine.
Ce sa sugerez eu:
Costume de baie colorate, poate chiar mai multe, dar sa fim realisti totusi, daca stati 7 zile nu aveti nevoie de 10 costume de baie.
Pantaloni scurti si bluze pentru tinutele de zi. Alegeti piese in care va simtiti comfortabil si mizati pe detalii cum ar fi broderii, aplicatii simpatice sau detalii decupate.Orice va poate scoate tinuta din anonimant(cu gust evident), dar totusi sa ramana comfortabila.
Rochii fluide de chiffon pentru plimbarile lungi pe plaja si 1 sau 2 rochii pentru petrecere(daca mergeti in club)
Nu are rost sa luati prea multe cu voi, va incarcati . Luati doar ce stiti ca purtati , in rest doar distractie si voie buna.
Voi ce bagati in bagaj?