We took advantage of the hot sun and had a cool photoshooting at..... well, actually in the middle of nowhere. It was a blast and the photos area really great, you will see soon.
There wasn't any actual theme here, but we wanted something fun, colorful, full of life and Mari was really great in getting into that mood. We also did a shooting with Kiaari, she had a dark make-up done, you will see that in a future post too.
Made you curious enough?
Am profitata de soarele puternic si am tras o sedinta foto in mijlocul nimanui, departe de oras. A fost super distractiv , iar fotografiile au iesit pe masura distractiei copioase.
Nu am avut o tema anume. Vroiam ceva natural, colorat, plin de viata, o atmosfera vesela de vara , iar Mari s-a descurcat de minune , a reusit sa intre in personaj.
Am facut o scurta sedinta foto si cu Kiaari avand un machiaj smokey, dar o sa vedeti si asta intr-o postare viitoare.
V-am facut curiosi?
Foarte bine!
Make-up: Kiaari Make-up and Design
Model: Uglean Marioara
Styling: B.A.D. style