Hi guys! Here is the result of our pool shooting from last week. But before telling you a little about the team, I have some great news. Flash Sale from Romwe! Get the leggings you always wanted for a great price too. 72 sale, here is the link. it starts on 15 May.http://www.romwe.com/manage_activity/300+Crazy-Leggings-Flash-Sale/
About the project, We wanted to create a modern swan that is actually not a ballerina. Dramatic make-up, statement jewelry and a beautiful model.
Seara buna! In sfarsit va dezvalui rezultatul sedintei foto de saptamana trecuta de la piscina. Dar inainte sa va spun cate ceva despre echipa, am vesti foarte bune. Romwe are o super oferta pentru voi, colanti simpatici la preturi mici. Mega reducerile incep in 15 mai si tin 72 de ore.Aici aveti si linkul .http://www.romwe.com/manage_activity/300+Crazy-Leggings-Flash-Sale/
Revenind la proiect, am vrut sa cream o lebada moderna, urbana, care de data aceasta nu este balerina:P. Machiaj dramatic, o bijuterie statement si un model superb au fost elementele cheie.
The team:
Photo: BADstyle and Bilootza Photography
Make-up: Kiaari Make-up and design
Model: Olga
Jewelry: Alina Emandi
Concept/styling: Adriana Delia Barar